- 第八个月是AugustThe eighth month is August.
- 奥古斯塔斯的真名叫屋大维。但是当他成为君主后,人们为取悦他,给了他奥古斯塔斯的头衔,意思是“贵族”。在他之后,人们称一年的第八个月为AUGUST(八月)。Augustus' real name was Octavian, but when he became emperor,the people wished to please him.They gave him the title of Augustus,meaning "noble",and they named the eighth month,August,after him.
- 月month
- 虽然这几个月是雨季,不时会下雨,但以政府的收入而言,我们正踏入旱季。Although we are now in the wet season, when Hong Kong gets a lot of rain, in terms of the flow of government revenues we are entering the dry months.
- 八月是一年的第八个月。August is the eighth month of the year.
- 下个月是本季度的最后一个月.我得早点完成我的工作,这样我就能提前完成任务了.Next month is the end of the quarter. I have to get my work finished early so I can get ahead of the game.
- 第八个和最后的规则,如果这是你在战斗俱乐部的初夜,您必须战斗。And the eighth and final rule, if this is your first night at fight club, you have to fight.
- 下个月是几月份?What month is next month?
- 1991年以来的四年,是中国全面实施国民经济和社会发展第八个五年计划的重要历史时期。The four years since 1991 marked an important historical period for the overall implementation of the Eighth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development.
- 他们每年至少飞行九个月。They spend at least nine months of the year on the wing.
- 警方已秘密跟踪他几个月了。The police have been shadowing him for months.
- 一年中的第二个月是什么?Which is the second month of the year?
- 八月格里高利历法中一年的第八个月。The eighth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.
- 他们三兄弟当了三个月俘虏。The three brothers were held captive for three months.
- 八月格里高利历法中一年的第八个月The eighth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.
- 她被监禁三个月。She was jailed for three months.
- 一只年仅两个月的幼豹a two-month-old leopard cub
- 广州最热的月是哪个月?Which is the hottest month in Guangzhou?----July.
- 一年的第一个月是一月吗?Is the first month in a year January?