- 腰椎L3-L5lumbar vertebrae L3-Ls
- 腰椎lumbar
- L5信号L5 signal
- 拟L5,Q5-filiform李代数quasi L5,Q5-filiform Lie algebra
- 该法对L5/S1椎间盘穿刺效果理想,操作方便,具有较高的推广价值。These methods are ideal and easy to use to treat L5/S1 intervertebral disc protrusion puncture,and worth popularizing.
- L3总线L3 bus
- 利用跟腱反射重建膀胱功能时宜选用L5前根与S3或S4前根交叉吻接。Cross anastomosis of L5 and S3 or S4 anterior spinal roots sho uld be taken during bladder functional reconstruction with Achilles tendon refle x;
- L3交换L3 switch
- L3-受限图T3-confined graphs
- 盘缘穿刺法:穿刺针沿L5椎体后下角斜行进针到椎间盘中前1/3处,从而使穿刺点上移;puncturing through intervertebral edge:puncturing through L5 to 1/3 intervertebral disc to make the puncture point move up;
- 腰椎穿刺lumbar puncture
- L3服务器VLAN
- 方法:实验共分 3组:5%NaCl 组、10-4mol/L5-HT 组,每组 8 只; 假手术组,每组 4 只。Rats were divided into three groups : NaCl(0.86mol/L),5-HT(10-4 mol/L) and sham operation,being received above-mentionedstimulation and collected pancreatic juice every 15min.
- 腰椎骨折fracture of lumbar vertebra
- L3铝合金Aluminum alloy L3
- 腰椎间隙interspace of lumbar vertebrae
- 地衣芽孢杆菌L3Bacillus licheniformis L3
- 人造腰椎artificial lumbar vertebra
- 其次,介绍了其信号的频段选择、电磁兼容性及其调制和产生的基本原理,包括L5测距码、卷积码、QPSK调制以及Neuman.Secondly, it introduces the frequency selection, EMC(Electromagnetic Compatibility), the basic generation theory and modulation of the third civil signal(L5 signal), including LS ranging code, Forward Error Correction, QPSK modulation and Neuman.
- L3能源管理子系统L3 energy management subsystem