- 药物性X线检查法pharmacoradiography
- 药物性X线检查法,药物协同X线摄影pharmacoradiography
- 药物性X线检查法,药物协同X线摄影术pharmacoradiography
- 药物性X线检查法,药物协同X线摄影(术)pharmacoradiography
- 肺特异性X蛋白ltmg-specific X protein
- 在线in-line
- 骨髓水肿组与无骨髓水肿组的骨质破坏、跖趾关节(MTP)压痛、抗核周因子(APF)差异有显著性x~2值、P值分别为8.35、0.004:10.38、0.001;There were significant difference in the pain of metatarsal phalange joint, and APF between patients with MR1 bone marrow edema of wrists and patients without MR1 bone marrow edema of wrists ( x 2=10.38 p=0.001; x2=5.06 p=0.024) .
- Duchenne型肌营养不良症(DMD),是一种严重致死性X连锁隐性遗传病,发病率约为1/3500活男婴,其临床表现以肌肉的进行性萎缩和无力为特征。Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a common motal X - Linked recessive disease, whose incidence of male birth is 1/3500. It characterized by progressivelymuscular atrophy and weakness.
- 药物性Drug-induced
- 传统X线检查数字化和PACS技术进展与发展战略研讨会纪要Symposium on the Progress and Strategy of Digitalization of Traditional X-Ray Examination and PACS
- 非药物性non - pharmacal
- 注洗X线检查法irrigoradioscopy; irrigoscopy
- 药物性除颤chemical defibrillation
- X线检查台table, x-ray
- 药物性强直[医] artificial tetanus; drug tetanus
- 抗多种药物性Multi-drug resistant
- 我需要你做血液化验、X线检查、肾功能试验和超声波检查。I want you to have blood tests, X-rays, kidney function tests and an ultrasound examination.
- 非药物性干预Non-drug interventions
- X线透视检查法umbrascopy
- 药物性多神经病Polyneuropathy due to drug