- 蛋白质与FAA、RNase;protein contents and FAA, RNase ;
- 与Faa di Bruno公式相关的一些奇异恒等式(英文)Some Strange Identities Related to Faa di Bruno Formula
- 成熟后期和后熟过程中 ,NaCl含量大幅度提高使蛋白质水解酶活性降低 ,其与FAA提高呈负相关 (R2 =0 98) ;During later maturating and after maturating proteolysis activity fell with sharp increase of NaCl content and FAA was negatively correlated to NaCl content (R2=0.98).
- 日粮蛋白质与赖氨酸水平对断奶仔猪益生素添加效果的影响Effect of dietary protein and lysine concentration on supplemental effect of probiotics in dietary for weaned
- S1-RNaseS1-RNase
- 铬对肉仔鸡能量、蛋白质与脂肪代谢的影响及作用机制的研究Studies on the effects of chromium on energy,protein and lipid metabolism and action mechanism in broilers
- SRNA影响RNase对HRNA的降解。Thus, we propose that the secondary structure of SRNA is responsible for its resistance to enzymic degradation and Mg~(++)has a profound stabilizing effect on its secondary structure.
- 苹果自花授粉的花粉管结构变化及S-RNase定位Observation on Structural Changes of Self-pollinated Pollen Tube and Localization of S-RNase in Apple
- 纤维素金属螯合物及其质谱分析在研究血清蛋白质与多肽中的应用Studies on Proteins and Polypeptides in Human Sera Using Immobilized Metal Ion Affinity Chromatography on the Cellulose and Mass Spectrometry
- 要进一步了解情况,请与本地代理商联系。For further information, contact your local agent.
- 她与公司中的那些上级主管合作愉快。She work well with those superior to her in the firm.
- 蛋白质与小分子相互作用protein-small molecule interaction
- 关于包装问题,我方将与厂商联系,要求他们对此引起重视。About packing, we will contact our manufacturers and call their attention to the matter.
- 尽管未与他联系上,可是我已尽力而为了。I tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to contact him.
- 在你的汽车与前面的卡车之间保持一些距离。Keep some space between your car and the truck ahead.
- 蛋白质与刚果红结合反应的研究A Study on the Reaction Mechanism between Congo-Red and Bovine Seum Albumin
- 从某种意义上讲,才干与教育为成功之要素。Talent and education are necessary to make good in certain fields.
- 大鼠摄入2?FAA后,GUA和ADA的活性均迅速升高,并与总RNA浓度呈正相关。The GUA and ADA activities increased rapidly in the rats fed with 2 FAA, and positive correlations were found between GUA or ADA activity and total RNA concentration.
- 人类的角膜是透明的,但它只是薄薄一层由蛋白质与醣类构成的胶状结构,而非细胞构成的组织。In humans the cornea is clear, but it is more a thin, gelatinous layer of proteins and sugars than true cellular tissue.