- 血遗传因子-MNS血型inherited blood factor-MNS blood group
- 这是因为遗传因子一代又一代地保存它们的完整性。This is because the determinants of heredity maintain their integrity generation by generation.
- 在遗传学上,基因以前被称为遗传因子。In genetics, genes were formerly called factors.
- 基于遗传因子的自适应蚁群算法最优PID控制Optimal PID Control of Self-Adapted Ant Colony Algorithm Based on Genetic Gene
- 活血invigorate blood circulation
- 兵不血刃win victory without firing a shot
- 你有想过用你的遗传因子存放在数据库里吗?Does the idea of your genetic profile being in a database raise any concerns for you? Discuss the pros and cons of having your genetic profile on record.
- 他验过血了。He had a blood test.
- 血型和交叉配血T&C; T&CrM; T&M; T&X match; TC
- 环境条件与遗传因子对稻米整精米率的影响Influence of Environment and Genetic Element on the Percentage of Head Milled Rice
- 索菲亚用一布块止住了血。Sophia stanched the blood with a cloth.
- 血型遗传blood group inheritance
- 血沾污了毯子。Blood stained the blanket.
- 比例因子proportional divisor
- 血喷溅到他的双手上。The blood spouted over his hands.
- 这种病遗传吗?Is this disease hereditary?
- 他咳出了几滴血。He coughed up some drops of blood.
- 血型因子blood factor
- 她一见到血就会恶心。The sight of blood turns her stomach.
- 一看到血就使她感到恶心。The sight of blood turned her stomach.