


  1. 这可不是练习;我们是在认真地比赛。
    This isn't a practice game; we're playing for real.
  2. 老师非常认真地处理问题,而并非表面上应付一下。
    The teacher dealt with the problem seriously instead of just picking at it.
  3. 他现在认真地致力于这项工作了。
    Now he applied himself to the job in earnest.
  4. 比尔认真地做功课。
    Bill did his home work in earnest.
  5. 他严肃认真地履行做父亲的责任,但在管教方面,动辄喜欢打人。
    He took his responsibilities as a father seriously but in matters of discipline was rather too free with his hands.
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