- 论APEC的制度再创新On the Re-innovation of the APEC System
- 以国库管理改革为中心的基层政府预算制度再创新Taking the National Treasury Management System as the Center, Re-innovation on Grass-Roots Governmental Budget System
- 论APEC运作模式的制度化On the Systematization of APEC Operating Pattern
- 再second
- 论世界经济区域一体化与APEC的发展On Regional Integration of the World Economy and the Development of APEC
- 因对教师的需求量越来越小,故对教师进行培训的制度正在萎缩。The teacher-training system is being run down as fewer teachers are needed.
- 创新bring forth new ideas
- APEC的大家庭精神The Spirit of the Big APEC Family
- 制度(political) system or institution
- APEC的领导者倡导新一轮的WTO会谈。APEC leaders call for new round of WTO talks.
- 累犯制度再思考Reflections on the system of recidivist
- 全面实施以德育为核心、以创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育Carry on the quality education centering on moral education and emphasizing creativity and practice
- 2001年,中国将作为亚太经合组织(APEC)的东道国,负责主办APEC的一系列活动。This year, China will act as the host of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and sponsor a series of APEC activities.
- 再来recur
- APEC的制度化发展及其必要性探析The Development of APEC Regularization and the Analysis on its Necessity
- 再创新re-innovation
- 诉讼保险制度再探Reconsideration of Legal Expense Insurance
- 浅析日新自由贸易区构想及其对APEC的影响An analysis of the conception Japan-Singapore free trade region and its influence on APEC
- 第十七条公路养护实行专业养护与民工建勤养护相结合的制度。Highway maintenance is performed under the system which integrates professional maintenance with maintenance performed by civilian workers.
- 再创新记录set another record