- 试着补充些维生素B。Try a B vitamin supplement.
- 他们决定喂这些鱼些蔬菜,以帮助它们减肥,同时,也补充些维生素。They decided to feed them vegetables to help them slim down and simultaneously, help them get more much-needed vitamins.
- 着catch
- 试听audition
- 他沉默了一会儿,然后笑着补充道,“不,我要识破它,就这样。”He was silent for a moment, then he added, laughing, "No, I'll see it through, that's all."
- 重试tautology
- 试test
- 补充supplementary
- 我们给您注射些维生素、葡萄糖,必要时给些止吐药。Anyway we can give injections of vitamins, glucose, or some antiemetic drug, if neccessary.
- 打开窗子!"男孩笑着补充道,那笑既是出于幸福的激动,又是出于对自己的想象。Open the window!"added the boy, laughing half with joyful excitement and half at his own fancy.
- 如果要想开始赢得比赛的胜利,我们的地方队得补充些新队员。Our local team needs some new blood if they're to start winning matches.
- 我们试着用电报跟他们联络。We tried to reach them by cable.
- 他试着去哄那个在哭的孩子。He tried to soothe the crying child.
- 首先让同学们依次读一下剧本,然后我们将试着来表演一下。Let's first read the play around the class, then we will try to act it.
- 他勇敢地试着去救那孩子。He made a valiant attempt to rescue the child.
- 试着做trying
- 上周我们试着去了一下那家新的超级市场,但它不像所说的那么好。We tried the new supermarket last week, but it's not what it's cracked up to be.
- 他试着从各个角度来着手解决这个问题。He tried to attack the problem from different angles.
- 她试着劝儿子不要与那女孩结婚。She tried to dissuade her son from marrying the girl.
- 他试着想像他祖母的叔叔的样子。He attempted to visualize his grandmother's uncle.