- 超临界CO2提取物supercritical carbon dioxide extraction
- 超临界CO2提取SFE-CO2
- 超临界CO2萃取物supercritical CO2 extract
- 超overtake
- 物matter
- 超临界提取物SFE extract
- 超临界CO2流体提取SCF-CO2 extraction
- 不同强化方法对超临界CO2萃取人参皂甙的影响Effects of Different Enhanced Methods on Ginsenosides Extraction with Supercritical CO 2 Extraction
- 小归芍超临界提取物Supercritical Fluid Extract of Xiaoguishao
- 采用GC-MS对超临界CO2流体萃取的树兰净油进行分析。Aglaia odorate essential oil prepared by supercritical CO2 fluid extraction from aglaia odorate flower was analysed using GC-MS.
- 超临界CO2supercritical CO2
- 生姜超临界提取物标准指纹图谱研究Study on HPLC fingerprint of SFE ginger extract
- 超,临界CO2萃取supercritical CO2 fluid
- 超临界提取Fluid extraction
- 目的 :研究超临界CO2 流体萃取 (SFE)法萃取金边瑞香鲜花中有效成份之一瑞香素的最佳条件。Objective:To study the optium condition of extracting daphnetin,one of the effective components from Daphne odora Thunb fresh flowers by the CO 2 supercritical fluid extraction(SFE).
- 超临界萃取物Supercritical carbon dioxide fluid extraction
- 超临界流体提取supercritical fluid extraction
- 采用差示扫描量热法 (DSC)研究了在超临界CO2 以及超临界CO2 +乙醇作用下温度和压力对聚碳酸酯的结晶和熔融行为的影响 .The influences of temperature and pressure on the melting behavior of PC treated by supercritical CO 2 and CO 2+C 2H 5OH have been studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).
- 中药栀子超临界萃取物的挥发性成分研究Study on Volatile Compounds from Gardenia jasminoides Ellis by Supercritical Fluid Extraction
- 超临界CO_2提取supercritical CO2 extraction