- 超集式GML数据结构Aggregative Data Structure
- 群集式clustering
- 数据data
- 超overtake
- 群集式电子电能表crowd electronic energy meter for measuring electricity
- 数据结构data organization
- 基于移动代理的安全集式路由协议A Securely Set Itinerary Protocol of Mobile Agents
- 超集superset
- 超链接hyperlink
- 旧的不去、新的不来
- 群集式电子电能表的电路设计与测量原理Circuit Design and Measuring Principle of Crowd Electronic Energy Meter for Measuring Electricity
- 超值overflow
- 嵌入式flush bonding
- 受保护访问不是友元访问的超集或子集。Protected access is not a superset or subset of friend access.
- 表数据结构list data structure
- 这意味着发布操作是生成操作的一个超集。This means that the publish operation is a superset of the build operation.
- 表格数据结构list data structure
- 擦去一个数据结构erase a data structure
- 运行时字符集依赖于连接到程序的I/O设备,但通常是ASCII的超集.The run-time character set depends on the I/O devices connected to the program but is generally a superset of ASCII.
- 分级数据结构hierarchical data structure