- 软X射线诊断Soft X-ray diagnostics
- 软X射线能谱Soft X-ray spectrum
- 医用X射线诊断Medical X-ray diagnosis
- EUV软X射线EUV Soft X-rays
- 南通市X射线诊断医疗照射频率水平调查Survey on Frequency Levels of Medical Exposure from Diagnostic X-ray Procedures in Nantong
- 软X射线阴极soft X-ray cathode
- 儿童骨骺发育过程中肘部创伤X射线诊断要点X-ray Diagnostic Features of Elbow Traumata during Osteoepiphysis Developmental Stage of Children
- 大骨节病软X线成像诊断价值的研究Study on the diagnosis value of radiography of Kaschin-Beck disease
- 银河软X射线弥漫背景soft X-ray diffuse background of galactic origin
- 高频X射线诊断机High frequency X-rays diagnostic machine
- 长春光机所软X射线成像望远镜和同步辐射光束线研制技术的发展现状Present Situation of the Research and Development for Soft X-ray Imaging Telescopes and the Beam Line for Synchrotron Radiation at Changchun Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics
- 用于激光等离子体X射线诊断的椭圆弯晶谱仪研究Research of the Two-channel Elliptical Curved Crystal Spectrometer Used in Laser-plasmas X-ray Diagnosis
- 用于ICF实验的轴对称掠入射软X射线显微镜中的光学系统Optical System of the Grazing Incidence Soft X-ray Microscope for ICF
- 医用X射线诊断影像质量保证的一般要求General aspects for quality assurance in medical X-ray image of diagnosis
- 软X射线光学soft X-ray mirrors
- 用X射线检查乳房瘤的诊断程序a diagnostic procedure to detect breast tumors by the use of X rays
- 软X射线激光Soft X-ray laser
- 医用诊断X射线机防护情况调查Survey of the Health Protective Condition of Medical Diagnostic X-ray Apparatus
- 软X射线辐射Soft X-ray radiation
- 深圳市医用诊断X射线辐射防护现状调查研究Investigation on Medical Diagnostic X-ray Radiation Protection in Shenzhen