- 综述了目前常用的土体本构模型,着重介绍了邓肯E-B模型和剑桥模型。The analysis modes used by now are summarized, and the Duncan E-B model and the Cambridge model are introduced particularly.
- 邓肯E-B模型Ducan E-B model
- 为了合理地预测面板堆石坝的应力变形特性,对堆石料常用的两种本构模型,从理论与实践应用方面进行了评述与分析,选用广义邓肯E-B模型对面板堆石坝进行应力应变分析。In order to rationally predicting the stress-strain behavior of CFRD, the theoretical and practical analysis on the constitutive models of rockfilled was performed. The guang-yi Duncan E-B model was applied in the stress-strain analysis of CFRD.
- 讨论了土体采用邓肯E-B模型和理想弹塑性的广义米塞斯模型时,强度折减有限元法分析土坡稳定的适应性.The Duncan E - B model and the generalized Mises model as the ideal elastic - plasticity model are adopted, and the applicability that the soil constitutive relation for slope stability estimation by FEM with shear strength reduction will be discussed.
- 采用有限元方法,利用邓肯E-B模型及接触面模型,模拟堆石坝的实际填筑和蓄水过程,对观音岩水电站混合坝方案插入式接头结构型式进行三维非线性分析。Based on finite element method,a 3-D nonlinear analysis is made on the structure pattern of the inserted junction for the composite dam alternative to the dam of Guanyinyan Hydropower Station with simulation of the processes of both the construction and the impoundment of the rockfill dam by Duncan E-B model and interface model.
- E-B模型E-B model
- 她的成绩是B+。She got a grade of B plus.
- D-B模型D-B model
- comb这个词里的"b"是不发音的。The "b" in "comb" is not sounded.
- K-B模型Keidar-Boyd model
- 为B向A说情make an intercession to A for B
- "mouse"中的字母"e"不发音。The letter "e" in "mouse" is mute.
- 轻质AGARD-B模型lightweight AGARD-B model
- E字母现代英语字母表中第五个字母The fifth letter of the modern English alphabet.
- 他有各式各样的模型飞机。He has all manner of model planes.
- 模板匹配模型template matching model
- 邓肯-张E-BDuncan Zhang E-B
- 塑造它们的模型已毁。The mould in which they were made is broken.
- 可熔化模型材料expendable pattern material
- E×B能量选择器E × B positron energy filter