- 部署和使用基本WTP项目Deploy and use the base WTP project
- 下载了先决条件并解压缩基本WTP项目以及最新的WTP里程碑构建之后,您可以下载Geronimo插件了。After you have downloaded the prereqs and unzipped the base WTP project and the latest WTP milestone build, you can download the Geronimo plug-in.
- 使用to use
- 应该不需要连接的唯一情况是,无需配置信息即可部署和使用该应用程序(这种情况不常出现)。The only time a connection should not be required is when the application can be deployed and used without configuration information, which is not the usual case.
- WTP项目当前支持部署项目到几种开放源码和Web应用服务器上,包括Apache Tomcat servlet容器。The WTP project currently provides support for deploying projects to several open source and Web application servers, including the Apache Tomcat servlet container.
- 呼叫中心方案说明了如何在使用SharePoint Server的企业中规划、部署和使用内部呼叫中心。The call center scenario illustrates the planning, deployment, and use of an internal call center in an enterprise that uses SharePoint Server.
- 该插件是作为Eclipse WTP项目的一部分开发的,欢迎有兴趣的开发人员访问Eclipse网站并为该插件仍在进行的开发尽一份力。The plug-in is being developed as part of the Eclipse WTP project, and interested developers are encouraged to visit the Eclipse site and contribute to the plug-ins ongoing development.
- 与此保持同盟关系的就是无线联网技术的部署和使用。Allied to this will be an increased deployment and adoption of wireless technology (WI-FI).
- 通常在货币、商品和其他“保证金”产品交易时只使用基本面分析是不够的。Fundamental analysis alone is often insufficient to use when dealing with currencies, commodities and other "margined" products.
- 说明了创建、部署和测试基于CLR集成的简单存储过程所涉及的基本操作。Demonstrates the basic operations that are involved in creating, deploying, and testing a simple CLR integration-based stored procedure.
- 就设备仿真程序的可用性和使用原则,与相应的公司联系。Check with the appropriate corporations about the availability and guidelines for using device emulators.
- 重大事故隐患排除后,经审查同意,方可恢复生产经营和使用。The production or business operation or use may not be resumed until the serious potential accident has been eliminated and approval has been obtained upon examination;
- 映射网络驱动器,并为部署和实时文件创建群集文件共享资源。Map network drives and create cluster File Share resources for deployment and run-time files.
- 彩色激光转印技术的基本原理和使用方法The Fundamentals of Color Laser Transfer Printing Technology
- 这种实现为获取、部署和管理系统资源提供了一个具有成本效益的模型。The implementation provides a cost-effective model for acquiring, deploying, and managing system resources.
- 但是,如果使用基本身份验证,则每次启动Outlook会话时都必须键入域、用户名和密码。However, if you use Basic authentication, you must type your domain, user name, and password every time that you start an Outlook session.
- 不幸的是,业已证明,部署和管理客户机/服务器比政府预想的要更贵、也更困难。Unfortunately,client/server has proven more expensive and difficult to deploy and manage than government anticipated.
- 介绍全拼、微软拼音及南极星字词拼音等中文输入法的和使用方法。Installation and use of Quanpin Input Method, Microsoft Pinyin Input Method and NJStar Chinese Input Method.
- 要运行部署的解决方案,首先需要在目标设备上部署和注册ActiveX控件项目。In order to run the deployed solution, on the target device, deploy and register the ActiveX control project first.
- 螺旋钻采煤机的结构原理和使用实践The Structural Principle and Application Practice of Coal Auger