- 金像VSOP酒Otard VSOP
- 人头马VSOP酒Remy Martin VSOP
- 《美丽有罪》囊括五项奥斯卡大奖。该片男主角奇云史帕西荣膺金像影帝。American Beauty took home five Oscars on Sunday, including best actor for Kevin Spacey.
- 美酒excellent alcohol
- 这些干邑白兰地的区别主要体现在陈酿年份上面:VS通常陈酿4-5年,而VSOP则需要陈酿7-10年。The main difference is the amount of aging each receives; a VS Cognac is usually aged 4-5 years, while VSOP Cognac is aged in wood 7-10 years.
- 醉酒intoxication
- 把酒raise one's wine cup
- 龙舌兰酒pulque
- 醉酒的zonked
- 醉翁之意不在酒have ulterior motives
- 我只剩下一点点酒了。I have only a trifle of wine left.
- 她喜欢偶尔喝杯酒。She likes an occasional glass of wine.
- 他钻孔开了一桶苹果酒。He broached a barrel of cider.
- 一瓶酒a bottle of booze
- 蒸馏酒tequila
- 苹果酒cider
- 彼得嗜酒。Peter has a special affinity for booze.
- 法官判决那个人酒醉开车有罪。The court determined that the man was guilty of drunken driving.
- 13盎司一瓶的威士忌酒一小瓶酒,形状适合于放在衣服口袋里A small bottle of liquor, shaped to fit in a pocket.
- 她说服丈夫改掉嗜酒的习惯。She persuaded her husband to forsake his drinking habit.