- A1/A2/O生物处理系统A1/A2/O bio-treatment system
- A2/O工艺A/A/O process
- A1-A2/OA1 - A2/O
- A1-A2-O工艺A1-A2-O technology
- CLU_O = 只对群集路由CLU_O = cluster only routing
- A1Plexin A1
- O-r隔离Os-r unconnectedness
- A2Thyroid papillary carcinoma
- SR-A1SR-A1
- 失控的通货膨胀加深了工薪阶层的痛苦(埃德温O.赖肖尔)Runaway inflation further plagued the wage - or salary - earner(Edwin O.Reischauer)
- A1权A1 weight
- 血红蛋白a2'hemoglobin a2'prime
- 番红花红Osafranine O
- A2/OA2/O
- Vrn-A1Vrn-A1
- I/O扩展I/O expansion
- A1薄膜aluminium thin film
- A2亚型A2 blood subgroup
- 智能I/OIntelligent I/O(I20)
- P2=A2pulmonic and aortic second heart sounds physi-iogically split 肺动脉瓣区和主动脉瓣区第二音生理性分裂