- Alternative Defense Posture 可供选择的防御势态
- In Chelsea's case, it inverts the defensive posture into an offensive one with startling speed and scythes downfield. 就切尔西而言,他们能以惊人的速度完成攻防态势转换,用长传直捣对方后场。
- A defensive posture for musket-armed infantry units, creating an impassable wall of steel to fend off cavalry attacks. 如它的名字一样,方阵由四组排成两线或三线的步兵组成一个空心正方形,所有人都朝向外侧。
- If she is right handed, and on the right hand side of the court, she uses a backhand defensive posture; from the left side of the court she uses her forehand. 如果她是右手持拍,站在场地的右边,她可以时候反手的防守姿式站位;站在左边的半场,她可以用正手的接球方式。
- Square Formation A defensive posture for musket-armed infantry units, creating an impassable wall of steel to fend off cavalry attacks. 如它的名字一样,方阵由四组排成两线或三线的步兵组成一个空心正方形,所有人都朝向外侧。
- Individuals hang beneath the sheet and readily drop from the web into a defensive posture whereby the legs are drawn close to the body when disturbed (pers. obs.). 蛛体就悬挂在皿网下,能迅速从网上掉下并进入防御状态,当受到干扰时,步足便从身体脱落下来。
- In the 19th century the Qing Dynasty adopted a defensive posture towards European imperialism, even though it engaged in imperialistic expansion into Central Asia itself. 清朝在19世纪时对欧洲帝国主义的侵略采取了一种防卫的姿态,即使是在欧洲各帝国忙于在中亚地区扩张的时候。
- Because of the objective circumstances and subjective cognation, its major content was various defensive measures and it maintained a strategic defensive posture. 受客观条件与主观认识的限制,美国反恐怖主义政策以防范为主,在总体上呈战略守势。
- I had no alternative but to accept the offer. 我除了接受该项提议之外,别无选择。
- The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。
- Many heroic men and women have died in defense of liberty. 许多英勇的男男女女为捍卫自由而牺牲。
- I'll have no alternative but to go with you. 我除了跟你走外别无选择。
- Please find alternative means of transport. 请另外找一个运输方法。
- The act or posture of bending low or crouching. 下蹲,蹲伏下蹲或蹲伏的动作或姿势
- Only humans have a natural upright posture. 只有人类才有自然直立的姿势。
- They had a dogged defense of the city. 他们对城市进行了顽强的防守。
- There appears to be no alternative. 似乎没有别的选择。
- Poor posture will give you backache. 坐姿不好会使人腰背酸痛。
- They are repairing the defense works. 他们正在修防御工程。
- Have you got an alternative suggestion? 你有没有其他建议?