- B类噪声class B noise
- A类噪声class A noise
- 类噪声noise like
- 1/fγ类噪声1/f~γ type noise
- 在B类国家美元化会有风险,因为首先必需施加压力达成一个较一致的意见以排除其它选择。Dollarization raises the stakes in Country B, because it intensifies the pressure to reach a political consensus by foreclosing other options.
- 类噪声干扰noise-like interference
- B类焊缝Welding seam Categories B
- 类噪声信号noise-like signal
- B类接口class B
- 噪声污染noise pollution
- 城里的交通噪声总是使城市居民烦恼。The noisy traffic is a continual annoyance to the citizens.
- 胺类amine
- 白噪声flat noise
- 一种B类维生素,在氨基酸和淀粉的新陈代谢过程中起关键作用a B vitamin that is essential for metabolism of amino acids and starch
- 聚类分析cluster analysis
- 灵长类Primates
- 果类fruit
- 类项category
- B-值白噪声广义泛函的解析刻画An Analytic Characterization of B-Valued Generalized Functionals of White Noise
- 布类mercery