- 同时用Hela细胞作为阳性肿瘤细胞对照,并接种于免疫功能正常的BALB/c小鼠和昆明种小鼠。Hela cells were also injected to normal BALB/c and Kunming mice.
- 昆明小鼠早期胚胎PFK基因转录产物的检测The Detection of PFK Gene Transcripts by Nested RT-PCR in Early Embryos of Kunming Mouse
- BALB/c和昆明小鼠BALB/c and KM mice
- 昆明小鼠原核胚在不同培养液中的体外发育In vitro Developmental Capacity of Kunming Mouse Pronuclear Embryos in Different Culture Medium
- 上海和昆明地区儿童上消化道疾病胃镜检查及临床资料比较Contrastive Study on Results of Upper Digestive Tract Diseases in Children Checked by Gastroscopy and Clinical Data in Shanghai and Kunming Areas
- 昆明小鼠无毛基因cDNA全长序列的分子克隆Molecular Cloning of Full-long cDNA Sequences Encoding Hairless Gene in the Kunming Mouse
- 小鼠mouse
- 2003年11月第九届比赛四大地区总决赛分别在合肥、兰州、长春和昆明四个城市举行。Nov, 2003 For the ninth competition, the four regionals are shifted to the cities of Hefei, Lanzhou, Changchun, and Kunming.
- 两个昆明小鼠封闭群部分生物学特性的比较The comparative study on biological character of two closed colony KM mice
- 人和小鼠成熟T淋巴细胞胞膜上由至少5条多肽链组成的复合体CD3 (T3, Leu4)
- 鸡腿蘑多糖对昆明小鼠血清溶菌酶活性影响的研究Enhancement of the polysaccharide from Coprinus comatus on activity of serum lysozyme in Kunming mice
- 方法 以~(117)Sn~m-DTPA作对照,进行~(117)Sn~m-TTHMP新西兰兔平面骨显像和昆明种小白鼠体内分布实验。Methods With the contrast of117 Snm-DTPA, the plane bone scanning on New Zealand rabbits and the biodistribution experiments on Kunming mice were performed.
- 用抗Leu9小鼠单克隆抗体检测到的人T淋巴细胞和胸腺细胞膜糖蛋白CD7 (TP-40)
- 方法昆明小鼠24只随机分为哮喘组、BCG治疗组、正常对照组。Methods Twenty-four Kunming mouse were randomly divided into asthma group,BCG treatment group and control group.
- 聚肌胞对小鼠的急性毒性和蓄积毒性Acute toxicity and accumulative toxicity of polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid in mince
- 甲壳胺体外对小鼠巨噬细胞PKC和DAG的作用研究Effect of chitosan on PKC activity and DAG concentration in murine peritoneal macrophages
- 同龄小鼠腔前卵泡的采集和体外培养Collection and Culture in Vitro of the Preantral Follicles from Ovaries of Different Age-grade Mice
- 实验小鼠弓形虫检测方法的建立和应用Establishment and Application of Methods for the Detection of Antibody to Mouse Toxoplasmosis
- 小鼠甲状腺球蛋白的提取、纯化和鉴定Extraction purification and identification thyroglobulin of mouse
- 6月龄SAM-P/8小鼠1-4d学习成绩、第5d记忆成绩低于6月龄SMA-R小鼠和昆明系小鼠(P<0.05),真性胆碱酯酶活性则高于6月龄SMA-R/1小鼠和昆明系小鼠(P<0.05);The SAM-P/8 mice had the inabilities of learning and memory compared with the SAM-R/1 mice and the Kunming mice (P<0.05).