- To dialyse the what reasons of confli cts between nurses and patients so as to provide the measurements accordingly. 该文总结临床上引起护患纠纷常见原因,提出相应预防措施。
- Conclusion Non-language communication is an important and effective interchange means between nurses and patients with artificial airway after cardiac surgery. 结论非语言交流是心脏术后建立人工气道患者监护中护患之间重要而有效的沟通方式。
- Conclusion Emphasizing and meeting informed consents is fundamental right of patients, which will benefit patients' recovery and lessen discrepancies between nurses and patients. 结论:重视、满足患者的知情同意权是尊重患者的基本权力,有利于患者疾病的康复,减少医患矛盾。
- The main causes were improper communication between nurses and patients,nurses lack of compassion and responsibility,nurses unskillful blood-drawing techniques and waste of time in waiting rooms. 主要是由于护患沟通不当、护士缺乏同情心和责任心、护士静脉抽血技术欠熟练和轮候时间长及秩序欠佳等原因造成。
- Can you tell me what the difference is between nursing home and hospital? 你能讲讲康复中心或敬老院与医院有什么不同的地方吗?
- Full-scale, timely and effective nursings include rational oxygen therapeutics, holding expedite trachea, enough alimentation and communication between nurses and patients. 而要能够进行全面、及时、有效的护理必须做到:合理得当的氧气疗法;持续良好气道的通畅;充足的饮食营养支持;
- Communication between nurses and patients 护患沟通
- Contradiction between nurses and patients 护患矛盾
- Cornection between nurses and patients 护患沟通
- the dispute between nurses and patients 护患冲突
- Disputes between nurses and patients 护忠纠纷
- Objective: To probe into the relationship between nursing allocate system and nursing quality so as to enhance nursing quality of hospitals. [目的]探讨护理分配制度与护理质量的关系,提高医院护理工作质量。
- Objective To survey the difference of cognition on nursing system culture between nurse and patient. 目的了解护理人员和患者对护理制度文化的认知差异。
- Dissension between nurses and patients 护患纠纷
- Conclusion: Good environment of medical care and good relationship between nurse and patient are premis... 严格按照规范操作是护理质量的保证。
- Relation between nurses and patients 护患关系
- Relationship between nurses and patients 护患关系
- The river had worn a ravine between the hills. 那条河在两山之间已造成一个深谷。
- Between ourselves, that young man's hair is much too long. 就咱俩之间说说,那小伙子的头发实在是太长了。
- It is never wise to come between a man and his wife. 干预人家夫妇间的事是不智的。