- Infection due to Bordetella parapertussis 副百日咳博代菌感染
- Identification and Detection of Bordetella parapertussis in Sputum from Bronchitis Patients 副百日咳博德特菌的鉴定及相关问题探讨
- Bordetella parapertussis 副百日咳博德特氏菌
- There is no protection against parapertussis. 对付百日咳现尚无预防方法。
- Whooping cough is a serious respiratory disease caused by Bordetella pertussis. 百日咳是一种由百日咳杆菌引起的严重的呼吸系统传染病,百日咳疫苗是预防百日咳最有效和最经济的手段。
- Whooping cough is a highly infective acute disease on upper respiratory tract caused by Bordetella pertussis. 急性上呼吸道传染病-百日咳,系由百日咳菌所传播的。
- Each SJL mouse was injected s. c. in the abdominal wall with PLP139-151, Mycobacteria H37RA and CFA, and Bordetella pertussis bacilli. 材料和方法:1、应用PLP139-151抗原、福氏佐剂和结核杆菌腹部皮下注射雌性SJL/J小鼠,并且尾静脉注射百日咳杆菌,诱发EAE小鼠动物模型,在免疫后观察60天,每天进行称重和行为学评分。
- Methods An IBI model was induced by injection of bordetella pertussis suspension (BPS) via the left internal carotid arteries of the rats. 方法向大鼠左颈内动脉注射百日咳杆菌悬浮液(0.;2ml/kg体重),诱发感染性脑损伤模型。
- Pertussis toxin (PTX) is an exotoxin produced by Bordetella pertussis, known tohave adjuvant properties that induce Th1 responses. 百日咳毒素具有提升Th1细胞免疫反应的生物学作用,使疾病的低敏感动物品系转变为疾病的敏感型。
- The rats in group A were sensitized by injection of ovalbumin (OA) together with aluminum hydroxide and Bordetella pertussis as adjuvants. A组大鼠用卵蛋白(OA)辅以百日咳杆菌菌苗和氢氧化铝为佐剂注射致敏。
- In adults who have had previous infection with Bordetella pertussis or immunization against it, a persistent cough may be the only symptom. 以前有过百日咳杆菌感染或免疫接种的成人,持续性咳嗽可能是仅有的症状。
- Beside Group A,egg albumin was injected into the abdominal cavity plus the method to kill Bordetella pertussis,to create asthma model in the rats. 除A组外 ,采用腹腔注射卵白蛋白和灭活百日咳杆菌的方法 ,制成大鼠哮喘模型。
- Kennel cough is an infectious respiratory disease which can be caused by one of several viruses or by Bordetella bronchiseptica. 犬窝咳是一种传染性呼吸系统疾病,该病可由数种病毒引起,或博氏杆菌。
- Bordetella pertussis toxin S1 mutant was successfully expressed and purified,which laid a molecular immunological foundation of developing candidate antigen of pertussis vaccine. 成功表达并纯化了百日咳毒素S1亚单位突变体,为研制百日咳疫苗候补抗原的相关分子免疫学研究奠定了基础。
- Pertussis is an acute infectious disease of the respiratory system,which is mainly caused by Bordetella pertussis and found in non-immunised children of developing countries. 百日咳是主要由百日咳杆菌引起的一种传染性强的急性呼吸系统疾病,主要见于发展中国家未接种相应疫苗的儿童。
- Any of various small,gram-negative coccobacilli of the genus Bordetella,some of which are pathogenic in the human respiratory tract. It includes B. partussis,the causative agent of whooping cough. 博尔德氏杆菌,一种小型博尔德氏杆菌属格兰氏阴性球菌,其中有些是人类呼吸道病原体,包括百日咳的病原菌百日咳杆菌属。
- Any of various small, gram - negative coccobacilli of the genus Bordetella, some of which are pathogenic in the human respiratory tract.It includes B.partussis, the causative agent of whooping cough. 博尔德氏杆菌一种小型博尔德氏杆菌属格兰氏阴性球菌,其中有些是人类呼吸道病原体,包括百日咳的病原菌百日咳杆菌属
- Any of various small, gram-negative coccobacilli of the genus Bordetella, some of which are pathogenic in the human respiratory tract. It includes B. partussis, the causative agent of whooping cough. 博尔德氏杆菌一种小型博尔德氏杆菌属格兰氏阴性球菌,其中有些是人类呼吸道病原体,包括百日咳的病原菌百日咳杆菌属
- Objective:To understand the antibody level of immunization against Bordetella pertussis in healthy population and in puerperal, and provide a timely scientific basis for immunization strategy. 目的:了解乌鲁木齐市健康人群及产妇针对百日咳的血清特异性IgG抗体水平,为制定免疫策略和防治措施提供科学的依据。
- The endotoxin of Bordetella Avium(BAE) was extracted with phenol-hot-water method,and the pathogenicity of BAE was studied by Rabbit Shwartzman experiment and inoculating it into embryo naked aggs,chickens and mice. 本研究利用热酚水法从营养琼脂培养基上生长的禽波氏杆菌菌苔提取其内毒素精品 ,用此提取物通过家兔Shwartzman试验及鸡胚、雏鸡和小白鼠接种试验 ,对禽波氏杆菌内毒素的致病性进行研究探讨。