- COD去除量CODcr removal
- 量to measure
- 材料去除量polished material volume
- 材料微小去除量material micro-remove rate
- COD去除COD removal
- 工业粉尘去除量(吨)Volume of Dust Recover -ed (ton)
- COD去除率COD removal rate
- 排量delivery capacity
- 量产volume production
- 量的quantitative
- 启动期末,膜出水脱色率可达90%以上,COD去除率可达60%左右。At the end of the startup phase, the decolorazation rate of BAA is over 90%25, and the COD removal is over 50%25.
- 库存量stocks
- 词汇量word-base
- 最大比COD去除率maximal specific degradation rate of COD
- 称量metage
- 量表inventory
- 通量flux
- 研究了臭氧氧化条件下,吐氏酸水溶液在鼓泡反应器内的COD去除动力学。This paper focusing on COD removal kinetics of Tobias acid solution ozonation in a bubble reactor.
- 弹性模量elasticity modulus
- 偏移量offset