- Slavic Croatian tribes from Poland arrived in what is present day Croatia in 7th century AD. 公元7世纪,斯拉夫克罗地亚部落从波兰迁移到如今的国土。
- And the spread wings, though in a somewhat different configuration, adorn the crown of a 6th or 7th century AD Sassanian king. 展开的翅膀,尽管外形稍微有些不同,也装饰在公元六世纪或七世纪的萨珊国王的皇冠上。
- Tibetan Buddhism, also called LAMAISM, distinctive form of Buddhism that evolved from the 7th century AD in Tibet. 藏传佛教,也称为喇嘛教,是与众不同的佛教,发展于公元七世纪的西藏。
- The Chinese Began their sophisticated production of pottery in the Neolithic period and produced porcelain as early as the 7th century AD. 中国人在新石器时代就已经开始制作复杂的陶瓷,并在公元7世纪开始制作瓷器。
- It came under the rule of the Abbasid Arabs at the end of the 7th century AD and changed hands intermittently until the establishment of the Turkmen dynasty in 1378. 西元7世纪末受阿拉伯阿拔斯王朝统治。其后六百年间反覆易手,直到1378年建立土库曼(Turkmen)王朝。
- From the beginning of the medieval period in the 3rd century AD until the 7th century, China was not only divided into warring states but suffered invasions by Tatar tribes as well. 从一开始的中世纪时期在公元3世纪至公元7世纪,中国不仅是分为战国,但遭受入侵的鞑靼部落,以及。
- Because Japan is a Shinto, Shinto animism is a more complex, and Buddhism, Confucianism mixed culture, resulting in a Japanese native religion, she formed in the 7th century AD after the Nara period. 因为日本是一个神道教的国家,神道教是一种万物有灵的比较复杂的、和佛教、儒教文化相混合,产生的一种日本本土宗教,她形成于公元7世纪以后的奈良时期。
- One bright cultural spot in the 7th century was Christian Spain. 七世纪的文化繁荣地区是基督教统治的西班牙。
- Phot A Koguryo mural of hunting, circa 6th Century AD. 照片:约西元六世纪,一幅描绘打猎的高句丽壁画。
- This system is known from the 6th century AD onward. 这种体系从公元六世纪起就被知晓。
- This tradition has been traced back to the sixth century AD. 这一传统已被追溯到公元16世纪。
- Rice production was probably introduced into Egypt in the 7th Century. 稻谷生产可能是在第七世纪引进埃及的。
- Uncial script, mixing both types, developed in the 3rd century AD. 拉丁安色尔字体就是在西元3世纪从这类混合体发展出来的。
- An ancient city in southeastern Greece; dominated the Peloponnese in the 7th century BC. 希腊东南部的一个古城;公元前世纪统治了伯罗奔尼撒半岛。
- The origins of gunpowder in China also date from the 9th century AD. 火药在中国也是起源于9世纪。
- The Harappan script was used by the Indians from 1000 BC to the 8th century AD. 古代印度自公元前1000年中叶至公元8世纪使用的文字。
- New Luo and the Bohai Sea country after Korea has had to the beginning of the 10th century in the 7th century. 7世纪到10世纪初朝鲜曾有过后新罗和渤海国。
- The oldest of these date from the early 7th century, although passages of devotional character can be found in earlier stratum of Tamil literature. 尽管虔诚的特征可以在泰米尔文献上较早期的社会阶层上找得到,但是这些运动的最古老日子可以追溯到公元七世纪。
- In 7th century BC, Romans inherited the traditions of Greece and built racetracks and unroofed amphitheaters. 公元前七世纪时罗马人继承希腊传统,就修建了赛马场和露天竞技场。
- After the 7th century Sambo gripped has created Tibetan, hides the pharmacy to have the rapid development. 当7世纪桑布扎创造了藏文以后,藏药学有了飞速的发展。