- Apart from students,are there any Chinese immigrants living there? 除学生以外,有没有侨居的中国人?
- Early Chinese immigrants to Singapore built homes around Chinatown. 早期到新加坡来的华人移民都在牛车水附近建立家园。
- Large cities in Australia have increasingly attracted more Chinese immigrants. 澳洲大城市华人移民众多。
- Sui, the daughter of Chinese immigrants, gew up to Dearborn, Michigan. 安娜,一个来自中国移民的女儿,在美国密歇根州的迪尔伯恩长大。
- Qing-shan's works all mirror the lives and spirit of the Chinese immigrants of that time. 陈晴山的所有作品都反映出那个时代的华族移民的生活动态与精神面貌。
- By 1840,Chinese immigrants mainly from southern China were arriving at a rate of about 2,000 a year. 到了1840年,每年约有2000名华裔移民从中国南方来到新加坡。
- By 1927,some six million Chinese immigrants had arrived but not all settled down in Singapore. 到了1927年,大约有600万名华人已经来到了新加坡。
- Chinese immigrants tended to stick together as a result of racial discrimination. 中国移民就因种族歧视而倾向于住在一块儿。
- The popular World Journal in North America is an eye opener for many Chinese immigrants. 大名鼎鼎的世界日报是北美许多中国移民惊喜的新发现。
- The son of Chinese immigrants, Chiao feels too many Americans take the right to vote for granted. 焦立中是中国移民的儿子,他感到太多的美国人认为选举权是理所当然的。
- The son of Chinese immigrants, Chiao feels too many Americans take the right.to vote for granted. 焦立中是中国移民的儿子,他感到太多的美国人认为选举权是理所当然的。
- Chinese immigrants have contributed much to the Australian social and economic development in history. 华人在澳大利亚的社会经济和历史发展上曾有过重要的贡献。
- Work with each other, and to improve the well-being of Chinese immigrants, and to promote their community affairs. 宗旨:工作重点互相配合,以提高国人与移民的福祉,促进他们参予社区事务。
- Chinese temples here are a microcosm of the history of Chinese immigrants and deserved to be studied in-depth. 华人南来史就蕴藏在百年庙宇中,庙宇丰富的历史文化积淀,值得人们好好发掘,深入研究。
- And Still They Come!Thousands of Chinese immigrants arriving by boat, entering through gate of The New Chinese Treaty. 还有他们!数以千计的华人移民乘船抵达,进入国门,通过为他们制定的新条约。
- California's Chinese immigrants helped build ships, levees, irrigation system s and the transcontinental railroad . 加利福尼亚的众多中国移民为美国作出了杰出的贡献。他们建造船只、码头、灌溉系统和州际铁路,他们勤劳的身影出现在美国的田间、矿区。
- Step by step, the chinese immigrants marched past difficulties into a bright new land. 一步一脚印,华人移民走过了艰辛,踏入新的乐土。
- Security agents raided a number of Chinese businesses in Gaborone and arrested a number of illegal Chinese immigrants. 保安人员突击搜查了一些在哈博罗内的中国企业,并拘捕了一些非法中国移民。
- Residentially, Richmond tends to attract many affluent or professional Chinese immigrants. 在居住方面,列治文倾向于吸引许多富裕的或专业的华人移民。
- With the exodus of many Chinese immigrants early this century,men of letters also settled down in places where there were many Chinese immigrants. 随着本世纪初中国侨民大量移居海外,文学工作者也在华侨较多的地区落户。