- The gang was caught in possession of stolen goods. 这伙人被逮住,人赃俱获。
- He was caught in possession of stolen goods. 他因窝藏赃物而被逮住了。
- He was caught in possession of stolen goods/with stolen goods in his possession. 他人赃并获。
- This taciturn grating was a receiver of stolen goods. 阴渠肯定是某个秘密集团的同谋。
- Crime of stolen goods 赃物犯罪
- crime of harbouring and selling stolen goods 窝脏销脏罪
- But s he is returning to St Louis toyay his debts, his satchel of stolen goods is stolen, leaving him penniless. 可当他回圣路易斯偿还赌债时,他藏匿赃物的背包失窃,使他落得身无分文。
- His activities became so widespread that special legislation was passed to make the receiver of stolen goods an accessory to the theft. 他的活动范围之广使得一项特别立法得以通过:将赃物窝主作为窃贼的从犯论处。
- He is now accused of “complicity in false accusation, complicity in the use of forgeries, receipt of stolen goods, and breach of trust”. 他如今被控有“共谋诬告、共谋使用伪证、接收赃物和背信”的罪行。
- It's a crime to handle stolen goods. 经销赃物是犯法的。
- On the Standard of the Crime of Steal 盗窃罪既遂未遂标准之探析
- First-time offenders are making up a large portion of the increase, making rash decisions in a pinch, but easier disposal of stolen goods over the Internet has also spurred thefts, police say. 大部分是初犯者,不少是一时冲动行为。警察说,在网上销赃比较容易也刺激的盗窃。
- So they inwardly resolved that so long as they remained in the business, their piracies should not again be sullied with the crime of stealing. 所以他们暗下决心,只要还在当海盗,就不能让偷窃的罪行玷污他们海盗的英名。
- Have you no scruples about buying stolen goods? 你买赃物就毫无顾忌吗?
- Was it a humdrum crime of trying to steal banking details? 这是一种用以盗窃银行数据的普通犯罪活动?
- Police announced the return of the stolen goods. 警察宣布将偷窃的物品送还原主。
- The present protection of historical relics is in the crime of impairing relic management, the crime of smuggling historical relic, the crime of stealing historical relic and of the loss of relic because of neglecting one's duty. 摘要我国现行刑法对文物的保护主要体现在对妨害文物管理罪、走私文物出口罪、盗窃文物和失职造成珍贵文物流失罪的规定上。
- He was still carrying the stolen goods when he was pinched. 他被逮捕的时候身上还带着赃物。
- The object of the crime of kidnapping is single. 摘要绑架罪侵犯的客体是单一客体。
- The burglar was caught with the stolen goods still on him. 窃贼被捕时人赃并获。