- Don' t drop the peaches they bruise easily. 桃儿容易碰伤--要轻拿轻放.
- When she dropped the teapot it broke. 她把茶壶掉在地上打破了。
- When she dropped the teapot it broke . 她把茶壶掉在地上打破了。
- Don't drop the teapot. 别把茶壶打了。
- The spout of the teapot is jammed by tea. 茶壶的壶口被茶叶堵住了。
- SAM: I can see the teapot,but I can’t see the tea. 萨姆:茶壶我看见了,但茶叶没看到。
- The teapot just came apart in my hands. 茶壶就在我手中裂开了。
- The teapot fell with an awful smash. 茶壶掉下来摔得粉碎。
- I thought the teapot was silver, but it's only plate. 我以为那把茶壶是银的,原来只是电镀的。
- She dropped the teapot. 她把茶壶弄掉了。
- She dropped the teapot . 她把茶壶弄掉了。
- Can we drop the car off at any of your branch? 我们可以在你们的任何一家分公司还车吗?
- The player suddenly charged at his opponent, making him drop the ball. 那球员突然向他的对手袭击,使对手把球丢了。
- He rinsed the teapot out under the tap, to get rid of the tea-leaves. 他在水龙头下面冲洗茶壶,以便把茶叶冲掉。
- She tried to prize the lid out of the teapot. 她试图启开茶壶的盖子。
- I'm going to drop the whole thing in your lap. 我将把整个事情交给你。
- She tried to prize the lid out of the teapot . 她试图启开茶壶的盖子。
- Let us drop the Mississippi's physical history. 现在且不谈密西西比河的自然历史。
- The teapot shall be taken to the kettle . 应把茶壶拿到水壶旁。
- He didn,t drop out of school despite of his poverty-stricken family. 既管他家境贫困,但他仍然没有辍学。