- I don't want you to follow my example and rush into marriage. 我不希望你效法我,也仓促结婚。
- You'll regret if you rush into marriage. 如果草率结婚,日后你会后悔的。
- Don't rush into marriage; you might regret it later. 不要匆匆忙忙结婚, 不然你以后也许要后悔的。
- TYPICAL USE: Youngsters usually rush into marriage withy only the shallow notions of what love and responsibility mean. 年青人通常对受和责任只有一些肤浅的观念,就匆匆地结婚。
- TYPICAL USE:Youngsters usually rush into marriage withy only the shallow notions of what love and responsibility mean. 年青人通常对受和责任只有一些肤浅的观念,就匆匆地结婚。
- Youngsters usually rush into marriage with only the shallow notions of what love and responsibility mean. 年轻人对于婚姻只有浮浅的概念而仓促结婚,并不清楚爱和责任意味着什么。
- 8 Don’t rush into sex and focus attention immediately on the genitalia. 8.;别忙着“直冲本垒”,集中火力奔着下半身就去了。
- Don't rush into marriage. 不要仓促结婚。
- And you can try telling singles the joys of marriage and having children,but they will have to experience it to be convinced. In short,they are unlikely to rush into marriage and babies. 何况相夫教子的乐趣可以口耳相传,无法感同身受,当然更无法草率行事。
- Do not rush into marriage . 不要仓促完婚。
- Do not rush into marriage. 不要仓促完婚。
- And you can try telling singles the joys of marriage and having children, but they will have to experience it to be convinced. In short, they are unlikely to rush into marriage and babies. 何况相夫教子的乐趣可以口耳相传,无法感同身受,当然更无法草率行事。
- It's no longer possible to trap a sensible man into marriage. 再不可能让一个理智的男人上圈套结婚了。
- Don' t rush : take your time. 别急急忙忙的; 慢慢来.
- Single-mindedness was what brought them into marriage. 是真诚使他俩结成配偶的。
- He rushed headlong into marriage. 他仓促轻率地结了婚。
- Don' t rush through your work. 不要匆促赶完你的工作。
- He did not want to rush into any decisions about his marriage. 他不想仓促决定他的婚事。
- You cannot talk her into marriage. 你不能说服她结婚。
- Don't rush into a decision.Take it slowly. 不要急于做决定。慢慢来。