- 维生素Evitamin(e) E
- E-多项式E-polynomial
- "mouse"中的字母"e"不发音。The letter "e" in "mouse" is mute.
- 次数多项式或多项式方程中变量的幂的最大数The greatest sum of the exponents of the variables in a term of a polynomial or polynomial equation.
- E字母现代英语字母表中第五个字母The fifth letter of the modern English alphabet.
- E玻璃纤维E-glass fibre
- 阿德加霉素Ealdgamycin E
- 设AB线与CD线相交点为E。Let the point where AB cuts CD be called E.
- Dickson多项式g_e(x,1)公钥密码体制的新算法A New Algorithm on the Dickson Poynomial g_e(x,1) Public key Cryptosystem
- 安布E式呼气阀ambu E valve
- 彩eCAI e
- [医] 荚eViburnum dilatatum Thunb.
- 设AB与CD相交之点为E。Let the point where AB cuts CD be called E.
- e角e angle
- Eβenergy ofβray β射线能量
- Eγenergy of γray γ射线能量
- E点E point
- E面extracellular face
- E模E mode
- E片E leaflet; extracellular leaflet; extracellular leaflet[of biomembrane]; extracellular leaflet[of biomembrane]