- What is foreign insurance company? 什么是外国保险公司?
- The representative office established by a group to which a foreign insurance company belongs. 外国保险公司所在的集团公司设立的代表机构。
- The trend of the financialglobalization put the admittance of foreign insurance companies forward. 金融全球化的趋势又把外资保险公司的市场准入推向台前。
- In 2002,the insurance premium of domestic and foreign insurance companies totaled 305.3 billion yuan,up 44.3 percent over the previous year. 2002全年,内外资保险公司保费收入3053亿元,比上年增长44.;3%25。
- These qualifications should not apply to those foreign insurance companies established in China seeking authorisation to establish a branch or sub-branch. 这些资格条件不应适用于已在中国设立的、寻求设立分公司或支公司授权的外国保险公司。
- The business operation period of a subsidiary of a foreign insurance company shall start from the date of establishment of the subsidiary. 外国保险公司子公司的经营保险业务年限,从该子公司设立时开始计算。
- In 2002, the insurance premium of domestic and foreign insurance companies totaled 305.3 billion yuan, up 44.3 percent over the previous year. 全年内外资保险公司保费收入3053亿元,比上年增长44.;3%25。
- If there is no any other representative office in China, responsibilities on all issues left unsettled shall be borne by the foreign insurance institution itself. 其代表的外国保险机构的所有代表机构均已撤销的,由其代表的外国保险机构负责未了事宜。
- A letter of guarantee of a foreign insurance company to undertake the obligations of tax and duties payment and debts repayment on behalf of its branch in China. 外国保险公司对其中国境内分公司承担税务、债务的责任担保书。
- Since AIG established in Shanghai in 1992, foreign insurance companies have increased to more than 20, the opening area has also broadened from Shanghai to Guangzhou. 从美国国际集团(AIG)1992年在上海抢滩登陆至今,我国外资保险公司已增至20多家,开放地区也从上海扩大到广州、北京、深圳等城市。
- The branch of a foreign insurance company can onlykonduct business within the territory of the province, autonomous region ord municipality where the branch is located. 外国保险公司分公司只能在其所在省、自治区或者直辖市的行政辖区内开展业务。
- After China entry to WTO, CPIC not only confronts with the mutual competition of Chinese companies but also the challenge of foreign insurance companies. 中国入世之后,太平洋保险公司不仅面对国内保险公司的竞争,更要面临国外外资保险公司的挑战和竞争。
- Under their hard proposing for economy and help of government, the insurance industry emerged roughly from the monopolization by foreign insurance companies. 正是在他们的倡导下,加上官府的扶助,民族保险业最终在洋务运动中突破外商的垄断艰难地产生出来。
- If there is no general representative office, other representative offices of the foreign insurance institution it represented shall be responsible for the unfinished affairs. 没有设立总代表处的,由其代表的外国保险机构的其他代表处负责未了事宜;
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- The senior managerial personnel of the branch of a foreign insurance company shall have the qualifications equal to those required for the counterparts in the headquarters of an insurance company. 外国保险公司分公司的高级管理人员,应当具备保险公司总公司高级管理人员的任职资格条件。
- The shares of a joint-equity life insurance company directly or indirectly held by a foreign insurance company shall not exceed the limit of proportion as stipulated in the preceding paragraph. 外国保险公司直接或者间接持有的合资寿险公司股份,不得超过前款规定的比例限制。
- Foreign insurance institutions hereof referred to in these rules are those insurance companies, reinsurance companies, insurance intermediaries, insurance associations, and other insurance organizations incorporated outside the territory of the People. 本办法所称外国保险机构,是指在中国境外注册的保险公司、再保险公司、保险中介机构、保险协会及其它保险组织。
- The Chinese name of a foreign insurance institution shall be consistent with its foreign name in Chinese Pinyin or meaning, and shall truthfully reflect the nature of its business. 外国保险机构名称的中文译名应当在汉语发音或者含义方面与该机构外文名称保持一致,并如实反映其业务性质。
- METLIFE heard that the United States is the most powerful life insurance companies, it is now, foreign insurance companies entered the Shenyang we buy insurance to a wider range of choices. 听说METLIFE是美国最有实力的寿险保险公司,现在好了,有外国保险公司进驻我们沈阳了,买保险可以有更多的选择了。