- Gyaincain Norbu 江村罗布
- Vice-Chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region Lobsang Gyaincain attended the forum. 西藏自治区副主席洛桑江村出席了座谈会。
- Potala Palace, Jokhang Monastery, Norbu Lingka was listed in World Cultural Heritage by the UNESCO. 围绕大昭寺的老城区也得到了良好的保护和修缮,完整地保存了古城的传统风貌。
- September 17, 1984 Master Panchen Erdeni Gyaincain Kyrgyzstan has come preaching that monastery. 1984年9月17日十世班禅大师额尔德尼却吉坚赞莅临该寺说法讲经。
- The elegant Tibetan style tent on the roof terrace gives you an unforgettable leisure time overlooking the historical Norbu Linka Palace. 旅馆顶层搭建有精美的传统藏式帐篷,专供客人娱乐休闲,在这里,您可以登高望远,品茶看书,是和朋友分享旅途心情的好去处。
- Situated adjacent to the Norbu Linka Palace and Royal Nepalese Embassy,we are only ten minutes walk away from the center museum and city library. 旅馆地处拉萨市西郊,与罗布林卡和尼泊尔驻拉萨总领馆毗邻而居,距自治区博物馆和图书馆仅10分钟路程,交通方便,环境幽雅,价格合理,是您西藏旅游入住的最佳选择。
- October 1986, the Masters is the 10th Panchen Lama visit Kyrgyzstan Jimzhong Gyaincain East Zhu Linsi observation and sponsor contributions. 1986年10月,十世班禅大师确吉坚赞亲临东竹林寺观察并捐款赞助。
- October 1989, the 10th Panchen Lama of Tibetan Buddhism master Jimzhong Gyaincain in Kyrgyzstan is held before the grand Fashi peak. 1989年10月,藏传佛教十世班禅大师确吉坚赞曾在峰前举行隆重法事。
- Later on, when Norbu Lingka became the Summer Palace of the Dalai Lama, it was the major theater of the Shoton Festival. 那一天,人们天不亮就纷纷从四面八方聚集到西藏最大的寺庙哲蚌寺所在地更乌培孜山麓,晒大佛的隆重仪式就在这里进行。
- Tseten Norbu, a businessman and protest leader in Kathmandu's Tibetancommunity is from Shigatse, western Tibet, and lives in exile in Nepal. 左顿诺布,一名在加德满都的西藏社会的商人和抗议领导人,来自西藏西部的日喀则,流亡并生活在尼泊尔。
- In October 1989, the 10th Panchen Lama of Tibetan Buddhism master does Gyaincain Kyrgyzstan in the former peak held a grand funeral. 1989年10月,藏传佛教十世班禅大师确吉坚赞曾在峰前举行隆重法事。
- It is with a sad and heavy heart that I write to you today with the passing of His Holiness Drupwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche. 今天,我以一悲伤和沉重的心情,就竹旺。贝玛。诺布仁波切之入涅槃,向各位写信。
- H.Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu’s proficiency in both esoteric and exoteric Buddhism and his wonderful mastery of the five vidyas. 就我所知他是唯一在世的能行此法请佛菩萨来到庄严坛场、帮助死者达到这种高水准成就的佛陀大法王金刚上师。
- Lobsang Gyaincain said that since 2003, throughout the city, the departments actively take measures to eliminate all Initial results have been achieved. 洛桑江村说,自2003年年底以来,各地市,各部门积极采取措施,使全区清欠工作取得了初步成效。
- The two activists, Florian Norbu Gyanatshang and Mandie McKeown were flown out of Beijing just hours after eight Americans were sent home during the closing ceremony of the Games. 这两名活动人士,诺布嘉藏和麦基翁被用飞机送离北京;就在几小时前,8名美国人在北京奥运闭幕式期间被遣送回国。
- In exile in India, Mr. Norbu approached the C.I.A., which agreed to support Tibetan resistance fighters. He later helped translate during training sessions for guerrillas. 在印度流亡期间,诺布接触到了中央情报局,中情局答应支持西藏抵抗力量,他后来参与培训游击队是的翻译。
- Every household should send people to Norbu Lingka,the residence of the Dalai Lama,to petition him not to attend the performance in the Military Area Command. 每家都要派人到达赖喇嘛驻地罗布林卡请愿,请求他不要去军区看戏。
- At Palyul Monastery, he was formally recognized as the incarnation of the second Pema Norbu (1887 - 1932) and became the eleventh throne-holder of Palyul Lineage of Nyingmapa. 五岁时,贝诺法王被迎接至四川省德格白玉主寺行坐床典礼,确认为第二世贝诺法王(1887-1932)的转世及成为第十一代白玉传承持有者。
- On the question related to the construction of Lhasa and old city protection, Lobsang Gyaincain said great achievements have been made over the past 50 years in the construction of Lhasa. 洛桑江村回答了外国记者提出的拉萨城市建设和旧城保护问题。他说,近50年来,拉萨的城市建设取得了巨大成绩。
- According to historical records, in 1943 the aristocrat Chengmoim Norbu Wanggyai sold 100 serfs to a monk official at Garzhol Kamsa, in Zhigoin area, at the cost of 60 liang of Tibetan silver (about four silver dollars) per serf. 据史料记载,1943年,大贵族车门·罗布旺杰把100名农奴卖给了止贡地区噶珠康萨的一名僧官,每个农奴的价钱是60两藏银(约合四块银元);