- H型抗血清H Type of Antiserum
- H型抗血清H type of antiserum
- R型抗血清R Type of Antiserum
- H型栅H-gate
- 兔型抗血清R Type of Antiserum
- H型群H-type group
- H型截面H-section
- 抗血清antiserum
- 2K-H型2K - H
- H型电路H module circuit
- 离体前磨牙邻面颈部龋一种新洞型抗折裂性能的实验研究Experimental research on anti-fracture in new type of cavities in proximal cervical caries of extracted bicuspid
- H型钢梁H steel beam
- 小麦品种对条锈病低反应型抗性的组织学和超微结构研究Histology and Ultrastructure of Incompatible Combination Between Puccinia striiformis and Wheat Cultivars with Resistance of Low Reaction Type
- H型构件H-component
- 永久型抗冻液permanent-type antifreeze
- H型吊杆H-shaped boom
- 马型抗血清H Type of Antiserum
- H型曲线H-type cure
- 湿型抗浸服wet anti-exposure suit
- 颈前路微气钻扩大减压H型骨块榫状植骨治疗脊髓型颈椎病Treatment of myelonic cervical spondylopathy by anterior wide decompression with pneumatic drill and H-shaped tenon bone graft