- 一步法ELISA在hiv初筛中的应用探讨Study on the application of one-step ELISA in HIV preliminary screening
- Excel软件在HIV初筛实验室质量控制中的应用Microsoft Excel application to quality control in HIV screening test laboratory
- 间接法和双抗原夹心法抗-HIV初筛试剂质量对比分析Comparative analysis of indirect method and dual-antigen sandwich method in screening of reagents for HIV detection
- HIV初筛HIV screening
- 初junior
- 金标初筛阳性HBsAg positive
- 年代初beginning of an age
- 振动筛vibration sieve
- 期初beginning of period
- 初乳colostrum
- 初夜first night
- 初现peep
- HIV筛查HIV screening
- 初等elementary
- 期初余额balance at the beginning of the period
- 骨移植时HIV筛查HIV-Screening bei Knochentransplantation
- 初潮menarche
- 艾滋病病毒(HIV)筛查HIV Screening
- 情窦初开to arrive at puberty
- 本初子午线the first meridian