- Both of E-C3bR and E-ICR were decreased significantly induced by high temperature, high humidity and high sugar and fat diet. 去除病原微生物的感染,改变温度及湿度,大鼠给予普通饲料,红细胞免疫的两项指标同时降低;
- To study the effect of non-starch soluble polysaccharied (NSP) on blood sugar and serum TC,the NSP extracted from NOF was used to feed rats of high blood lipid and high blood sugar. 为探明莜麦粉中NSP与莜麦粉降糖、降脂的关系,而将从莜麦粉中提出的NSP用作高糖、高血脂症大鼠的饲料,观察NSP降糖、降血脂的效果。
- Most desserts have high sugar and caloric contents, so it is preferable to eat only small portions. Fresh fruit is a healthier dessert choice. 一般的甜品含较多糖份和热量,只宜浅尝,可多选吃新鲜水果作为甜品。
- Flue-curing takes about a week and fixes the natural sugar of the leaf, which has a high sugar and a medium-to-high nicotine content. 熏烟需要约一个星期并且保证烟叶中的自然糖分,这种烟含糖量高,并含中高量的烟碱。
- Fruit qualities had two types of high sugar and acid content and thick pericarp and low sugar and acid content and thin pericarp. 贡柑的果实品质有高糖高酸皮厚和高糖低酸皮薄类型,适合选育耐贮型或即食型的贡柑新品系。
- For drinks, choose water, plain tea, or small amounts of fresh fruit juice rather than high sugar and caloric drinks, such as soft drinks, sweetened juice, and beer, etc. 饮品方面,宜多选清茶、清水、或少量纯果汁,以代替汽水、啤酒、加糖果汁等含高糖份和高热量的饮品。
- Results showed that: 1) There are several excellent individuals with character of wet-frailty, little gum, high sugar and soft spine existed in Leizhou peninsula of China. 结果表明:1)中国雷州半岛菠萝蜜有湿脆型、少胶型、高糖型、平滑型等优良单株。
- The activities of Mg~(2+)--ATPase and Ca~(2+)--ATPase in leaves of 9 sugarcanegenotypes were closely related to early maturity and high sugar content. 不同基因型甘蔗叶片中的Mg~(2+)-ATP酶和Ca~(2+)-ATP酶活性与早熟高糖特性有密切的联系。
- The grape's tendency to develop high sugar but low acid can result in wines with neutral, merely vinous flavors and high alcohol. 该品种能够有较高的含糖量和较低的酸度,能够酿造品质不错的,有酒香的,酒精度高的葡萄酒。
- Associate with high fatty and high sugar diet feeding shortly, the best dosage of STZ which was used to induce rat model of T2DM is 40 mg/kg. 短期高糖高脂饮食联合STZ腹腔注射建立2型糖尿病SD大鼠模型的STZ最佳注射剂量为40mg/kg。
- Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach. 糖和淀粉在胃里被分解。
- Apricots produced good quality and high sugar content, these yan , pulp hypertrophy, plump almonds for fresh and processing. 所产杏子品质好、含糖量高,着色艳,果肉肥厚,杏仁饱满,适合鲜食和加工。
- Moench) is one of the leading candidates for cleaner energy crops, characterized byabundant juice and high sugar content in its stalk. 作为重要的生物质能源作物,种植甜高粱的直接目标是获得高的糖产量。
- She flavored the fish with sugar and vinegar. 她用糖和醋给鱼调味。
- She seasoned the fish with sugar and vinegar. 她用糖和醋给鱼调味。
- Keep refined carbohydrates, sugar and high fat snacks to a minimum.They should be occasional indulgences, not consumed every day. 将精制的碳水化合物类,糖类以及高脂肪的零食的量降到最低,这些东西可以偶尔拿来享受一下,而不能每天都和它们形影不离。
- The equipment can comminute not only the delicate Chinese traditional medicine but also those with high sugar rate and high tenacity to super-fine powder. 我们设计的这个装置不仅可以将易碎的中药制成超细粉,而且可以把含糖量较高和韧性较大的根茎类中药材制成超细粉。
- The researchers found women who work long hours eat more high fat and high sugar snacks, exercise less, and drink more caffeine than male colleagues working similar hours. 研究人员发现,长时间工作的女性,比工作时间类似的男性同仁,吃较多高脂肪与高糖类的零食、较少运动且饮用较多咖啡因。
- A homofermentative strain,Lactobacillus rhamnosus was domesticated to produce L-lactic acid with high(efficiency) and productivity under high sugar and lactic acid(concentrations). 鼠李糖乳杆菌经实验室耐高糖高酸选育,能够在高糖浓度下高效高产L-乳酸。
- Don't forget staples like sugar and salt when you go to the shops. 你去商店时,不要忘记买盐和糖之类的必备食品。