- I'll not labour the point. 这一点我就不详细谈了。
- Your argument was clear to us from the start there's no need to labour the point. 你的论点一开头我们就清楚了--没必要一再重复。
- There is no need to labour the point. 该论点无需详解。
- Don't come the old soldier over me, because I'll not have it. 别在我面前摆老资格,我才不吃这一套呢!
- There's no need for the manager to labour the point. 经理没必要对这一点啰唆。
- I don't care what he says; I'll not bow and scrape to any man. 我不在乎他说什么,我对任何人都不点头哈腰。
- I'm not saying the story is true or untrue. All I'm saying is that I'll not take Jenny's bare word for it. She's a little troublemaker, anyway. 我没说这故事是真的,也没说是假的。我是说我不会仅凭詹妮的嘴巴说说就相信它。他怎么也是个小捣乱鬼。
- All right,that's the fourth time you asked if you can go out tomorrow night. There's no need to labour the point. 好了,这是你第4次问我你是否能明天晚上出去,没有必要想要我同意了。
- I don't see the point of her last remark. 我不明白她最后那句话的意思。
- "I'll not hang all my bells on one horse, " said old Mrs. Sampson. 年迈的桑普森严太太说,"我不会把全部财产留给一个儿子。"
- We should not labour the question of whether the non-Communists in these organs have party affiliations,or what their party affiliations are. 在抗日统一战线政权中,对于共产党员以外的人员,应该不问他们有无党派关系及属于何种党派。
- I didn't see the point of his last remark. 我不理解他最后那句话的意思。
- Your objections do not touch the point at issue. 你提的反对意见与问题的实质无关。
- The speaker laboured the point so long that we lost interest . 演讲人的罗嗦使我们失去了兴趣。
- You may rest assured. I'll not let you down. 请放心,我决不辜负你的。
- She hates him to the point of not talking to him. 她讨厌他到不和他讲话的程度。
- The speaker laboured the point so long that we lost interest. 演讲人的罗嗦使我们失去了兴趣。
- Well, in that case, I'll not try to persuade you. 既然是这样,我也不劝你了
- I still don't see the point you emphasized. 我仍然弄不清楚你所强调的要点。
- Then I'll not stand on ceremony. 那我就不跟你客气了。