- IT服务外包IT outsourcing servic
- 服务service
- 服务外包service outsourcing
- 外outside
- 为了满足这些需求,许多公司都以离岸方式外包IT服务。To meet these demands, many companies outsource IT services offshore.
- 外包epiboly
- IT服务外判的趋势,预料亦会带来需求的增长。Growth in demand is also expected to come from the trend towards outsourcing of IT services.
- 服务外包业service outsourcing
- IT服务IT service
- 我们的IT服务会给您提供高质量及稳定的系统整合服务。Our bundling of our own IT capabilities has allowed us in providing high quality and reliable Systems Integration Services.
- 这家工厂已决定把一些机器零件的生产外包给其他工厂。The factory has decided to farm out production of some of the machine parts to other plants.
- IT服务顾问公司通过新的IT基础结构充分利用了宝贵时间IT Services Consultancy Maximizes Billable Hours with New IT Infrastructure
- 服务外包企业enterprise of service outsoureing
- IT外包IT outsourcing
- IT外包项目IT foreign contract project
- 国际服务外包international service outsourcing
- IT外包管理IT outsourcing management
- 外包服务outsourcing service
- 准IT外包现象quasi-IT outsourcing
- 展览服务外包exhibition services' outsourcing