- In bonds and fetters 嫘绁之中
- Wang also pointed out that investment in bonds and stocks as a risky investment, bond investment fund to wear a seatbelt. 王成同时指出,债券投资和股票投资一样有风险,投资债券基金也要系好安全带。
- Feldstein, M.,1976, Derceived Wealth In Bond And Social Security: A comment, Journal Of Political Economy. 星川顺一.;日本经济与财政政策--凯恩斯先生的忠告(中译本)[M]
- Smith drew his money out of the band and invested it in bonds. 史密斯从银行取出存款来购买债券。
- They weary of countless restrictions and fetters. 他们对种种清规戒律感到很厌烦。
- The half year loss was largely attributed to the sharp decline in Hong Kong equity prices which were partially offset by income generated from investments in bonds and deposits. 这半年的亏损主要是香港股市暴跌所致,但期内从债券及存款所得收入已抵销了部分有关亏损。
- Uncertainties over the magnitude of interest rate rises will contribute to increased volatility in bond and equity markets. 加息幅度的不明朗因素,将会增加债券及股票市场的波动。
- Millions of people invest in bonds and other debt-based products, this is true especially as people get older and want to reduce the lever of risk in their investments. 数以百万的人投资债券和其他基于债券的产品。这是真的特别是人们年龄大了想减少他们投资的风险。
- These are invested mainly in the OECD bonds and equities. 这些资产主要投资于经济合作及发展组织的债券与股票市场。
- They wearyof countless restrictions and fetters. 他们对种种清规戒律感到很厌烦。
- The properties and qualities of the marking materials with red fluorescence are very important in bond and currency as an anti-fake method. 红色荧光标识材料的物化性能与品质决定了其作为主要防伪手段在证券和货币上的运用。
- Meanwhile, as more financial institutions try to offset the risk of their investments in bonds and other forms of debt, the cost of insuring such debts is spiking. 同时,随着越来越多的金融机构试图抵消其在债券等其他形式债务中的投资风险,这类债务的保险成本也大幅飙升。
- For you both sympathized with those in bonds and accepted with joy the plundering of your possessions, knowing that you yourselves have a better possession and one that abides. 因为你们同情了那些被捆锁的人,并且你们的家业被抢夺,你们也欢喜接受,知道自己有更美长存的家业。
- Young people weary of countless restrictions and fetters. 年轻人对各种清规戒律感到厌烦。
- In addition to loans, there are also bonds and stocks. 不但有贷款,还有债券、股票;
- But that is about all they have in common with the Scots-American who made his pile first by cheating investors in bonds and then through conspiring successfully to rig the market in steel. 然而捐献财产只是此二人与这位苏格兰裔美国人唯一的相同之处。卡内基首先通过诈骗投资者的债券赚取大笔资金,而后通过阴谋手段成功地操纵钢铁市场。
- A gold trader;a trader in bonds. 黄金交易商;债券交易人
- Heb. 10:34 For you both sympathized with those in bonds and accepted with joy the plundering of your possessions, knowing that you yourselves have a better possession and one that abides. 来十34因为你们同情了那些被捆锁的人,并且你们的家业被抢夺,你们也欢喜接受,知道自己有更美长存的家业。
- He was in bonds on account of bribery. 他因受贿而被束缚。
- These kinds of goods are now in bond. 这些货物现在在保税仓库中。