- IrO2薄膜IrO2 films
- 薄膜film
- 薄膜的pellicular
- IrO2Iridium oxide
- 塑料薄膜plastic membrane
- IrO2电极IrO2 electrode
- IrO2-Ta2O5IrO2-Ta2O5
- Ti/IrO2电极Ti/IrO2 electrode
- Ir/IrO2电极Ir/IrO2 eleetrode
- 薄膜开关thin film switch
- 50%IrO2-50%Ta2O550%25 IrO2 - 50%25 Ta2O5
- 薄膜电池hull cell
- IrO2.RuO2涂层钛电极IrO2· RuO2 titanium electrode
- 薄膜材料thin-film material
- IrO2·Ta2O3涂层钛电极titanium electrode coated with IrO2·Ta2O3
- 薄膜袋bag film
- 电极材料采用PbO2-IrO2-TiO2/Ti(三元电极SPR).electrode material adopted PbO_2-lrO_2-TiO_2/Ti(SPR as ternary electrode).
- 薄膜封闭membrane sealed
- 薄膜晶体管sistor
- 固态镀膜Ir/IrO2和Ag/AgCl电极对适用于对海底热液和冷泉的pH测定与长期观测.Solid state sensing pairs of Ir/IrO_2 and Ag/AgCl are suitable for pH measurement and long term monitoring on seafloor,for both hot and cold venting systems.