- Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao narrowly escaped. 康有为和梁启超侥幸逃脱。
- But I know that this is not the Lyrics scolded me : because he is scolded by Kang Youwei. 但我知道,这并非借题在骂我:因为他所骂的还是康有为。
- Kang Youwei is the bourgeoisie reformist leader,also a poet of "the poem revolution". 康有为既为资产阶级改良派领导人,亦是“诗界革命”派诗人。
- Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao) to Japan's success in Westernization/modernization. 于是,一个留日的热潮便在中国兴起。
- However, Kang Youwei, as a great political reformer, might not consider calligraphy and its theory criticism very important. 然作为大政治改革家,康有为不了能将书法与其理论批评看得很重。
- Clear Kang Youwei has poem Ode to say: "Guanyin is unwilling to go to fault here , the magical mountain pours at the sea Pu Tuo. 清康有为有诗赞曰:“观音过此不肯去,海上神山涌普陀。
- He had studied under Kang Youwei the Western realism, and in Europe he was influenced by the traditional Western realism, especially by the French Academism. 他曾师从康有为学习西方写实主义绘画,在欧洲又受到西方传统写实主义、特别是法国学院派的影响。
- Kang Youwei in accordance with the planning, a lot appointing reformers to the most fundamental way is to set up the system, but diehard resolutely resist, did not materialize. 按照康有为的规划,大量任用维新人士最根本的办法是开设制度局,但在顽固派坚决抵制下,未能实现。
- It is the greatest theoretical mistake for some critics studying Kang Youwei to identify him as a reformist and animadvert upon the great man for so long. 把康有为定性为“改良主义者”并长期进行批判,是康有为研究领域最大的理论误区;
- The difference of knowledge and conflict on thoughts between ZENG Guofan and ZENG Jize, KANG Youwei and LIANG Qichao could be regarded as the typical examples in the modem cultural history of China. 发生在曾国藩和曾纪泽父子之间及康有为和梁启超师生之间的认识差异和思想冲突,可以看成是近代思想史上代际冲突最典型的例子。
- Yokohama Datong School in Japan was an education institution co-founded by the Reformists like Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao and the Revolutionaries like Sun Yat-sen and Chen Shaobai. 摘要日本横滨大同学校是康有为、梁启超等维新派和孙中山、陈少白等革命派共同创办的华侨子弟教育机构。
- Probe into Kang Youwei's Royalist Ideas 康有为保皇思想探源
- On Kang Youwei's Idea of Change and Non-Chang 论康有为的变与不变
- On State Religion Theory Raised by Kang Youwei 略论康有为的国教说
- A Study on Kang Youwei's Notes of Overseas Travel 康有为海外游记研究
- On Kang Youwei, the Leader of the Reform Movement in 论维新运动领袖康有为
- Kang Youwei's View of Women and Rousseau's Idea of Equality 康有为的妇女观与卢梭的平等说
- The general study of Kang Youwei's mountain and water poem 康有为山水诗论略
- The First Debate Between Liang Qichao and Kang Youwei 梁启超与康有为的第一次论争
- Kang Youwei's Thoughts and Their Practice on Constitutional Monarchy 论康有为的君主立宪思想及实践