- The Qing Dynasty ceded Hong Kong to Britain. 清王朝把香港割让给了英国。
- Poetry was blooming in China in the Tang dynasty. 中国的诗歌在唐代十分盛行。
- The Emperor Kangxi ruled for 61 years. 康熙皇帝秉政61年。
- Sanshiyinian Kangxi (1692) Bagong, Viscount attack. 康熙三十一年(1692年)拔贡,袭子爵。
- The Tang Dynasty is a period remarkable for its liberality. 唐朝是一段以开明著称的时期。
- The pagoda built in the Ming Dynasty is still in good repair. 建于明代的那座塔现在还完好无损。
- Mahogany was put into use in Qing Dynasty Kangxi period.From patina it's not so old. 法器之类的东西;酸枝在清康熙开始大量使用.;看包浆不会太老
- But in early Qing dynasty there's really such situation of misuse of decorations.Emperor Kangxi used kylin grain. 不过清早确有纹饰乱用的迹象,堂堂康熙大帝竟用麒麟纹。
- The Grand Canal began to build in the Sui Dynasty. 大运河是在隋朝开始修建的。
- This custom can reach back Tang Dynasty. 这个风俗可追溯到唐朝。
- In early Qing Dynasty, Zheng's Government of Taiwan had turned to be a separatist regime which acted as a counterweight to Kangxi Empire. 清初台湾郑氏政权逐渐蜕变为与清政府相抗衡的地方割据政权,且日渐腐朽。
- This coin predates the Qing Dynasty. 这种硬币是在清朝以前就有的。
- During the Kangxi Period of the Qing Dynasty a new glazing technique was invented in the Jingdezhen kiln for black glazes. 清代康熙乌金釉的创烧,突破了黑釉以铁为主要呈色剂的传统,它以铁、钴、锰为呈色元素,取得了光润透亮、色黑如漆的效果。
- Even Qianlong himself could not say his is better than Kangxi's! 要乾隆自己比较他也不敢说自己比康熙强!
- China prospered under a new dynasty. 中国的新朝代开始繁荣了。
- Was Emperor Kangxi of the first 24 Yun Mi-Prince's Palace. 原为康熙皇帝第24子诚亲王允秘的王府。
- The dynasty he founded ruled for 700 years. 他建立的那个王朝统治达700年。
- Ju Qing Kangxi 4 nian (1665) Wang Yunming ke ben ying yin. 据淸康熙4年(1665)王允明刻本影印.
- He was the son of a fallen dynasty. 他是一个没落王朝的后代。
- Paper was invented in the Han dynasty. 纸是在汉朝发明的。