- Let's get a chicken disk. 我们来一盘鸡肉吧
- He' s got a lot more work to do on the book. 这本书他还有许多工作要做.
- Terry' s got a new bird, ie girl-friend. 特里有了个新女朋友.
- She' s got a beautiful slender figure. 她身材优美苗条。
- It s a small blue case and it s got a zip. 霍尔先生:是只蓝色的小箱子,上面有拉链。
- Every story s got a trademark Bradbury twist. 每个故事都贴上了布雷德伯里怪诞的标签。
- He”s got a car as well as a motorbike. 他不但有一辆摩托车,而且有一辆小汽车。
- He' s got a few kinks in his personality, if you ask me. 我认为他的个性有些怪僻.
- We're going to be late; let's get a taxi. 我们要迟到了,坐计程车吧。
- Let's talk up the game and get a big crowd. 咱们把这场比赛大肆宣扬一下,以便吸引更多的观众。
- Swiss court has ordered that a chicken be locked up in a soundproof box every night so its neighbours can get a good night's sleep, the ATS news agency reported. 瑞士一个法庭命令必须把一只鸡每晚锁进隔音箱,以便让邻居们晚上能好好睡觉,瑞士ATS新闻社报导说。
- He's as tender as a chicken and not up to hard manual work. 他吃不了苦,胜任不了艰苦的体力劳动。
- Let me get a dolly to move the computer. 让我找个手推车来搬运这台电脑。
- He roasted a chicken for dinner. 他烤了一只鸡当作晚餐。
- He' s got a one-track mind -- all he ever thinks about is sex ! 他只有一个心思--想的都是性事!
- Let' s get to the core of the argument. 咱们进入实质性的辩论吧.
- It’s got a different system: meritocratic paternalism. 它有一个不同的制度:精英家长制。
- Let' s get to the root of this matter. 让我们从根本上解决这个问题吧。
- DANNY MCNEIL: Right. Let" s get down to business. 爱德华.格林:是的,我有跟你谈判的授权。
- We dined off half a chicken and salad. 我吃了半只鸡还有色拉。