- VIPs take a group photo in front of the A380. 参加欢迎仪式的嘉宾在A380飞机前合影.
- The picture above: Take a group photo with Zhou Zhuang's grandmas. 与周庄阿婆合影。
- Let's take a group photo. 让我们来张合影。
- VIPs take a group photo with A380 Captain and Pilot in front of the A380. 参加欢迎仪式的嘉宾和A380机长和驾驶员在A380飞机前合影。
- Let' s take a rest for the moment. 我们休息一会儿吧。
- After the inauguration ceremony, the Student Ambassadors were invited to take a group photo with Prof. Simon Ho, Dean of School of Business( front row,4 th from right). 开幕礼结束后,飞跃学生大使们与商学院院长何顺文教授(排右四)照留念。
- I' m a little bit tired. Let' s take a short rest. 我有点累了。让我们休息一会儿。
- I passed the Harley guys, taking a group photo on the side of the road. 我通过了哈利球员,同时一组照片在路边。
- At midnight, they handed out the D2D stickers to bikes on the street and tried to take a group photo, but this was an independent crowd and some had no interest in hanging around for posing. 午夜十二时,他们交出了D2D贴到自行车在街上,并试图采取一组照片,但这是一个独立的人群,一些人没有兴趣游逛的姿势。
- After heated discussion, we took a group photo as a souvenir and then the meeting finished. 在热烈的讨论之后,大家在一起合影留念,本次交流会也至此结束。
- We have a group photo taken to mark the graduation. 我们照了一张集体相来纪念毕业。
- After heated discussion, we took a group photo to accept as a souvenir and then the meeting finished. 在热烈的讨论之后,大家在一起合影留念,本次交流会也至此结束。
- Members of the department, ENT doctors and patients took a group photo together. 新学系成员、耳鼻喉科医生及病人合照。
- Letn's posebor Nude a group photo. 我们来摆好姿势合影一张。
- Just try selecting yourself on a group photo! 刚刚尝试选择自己的一组照片!
- Let’s take a look at twelve of these common denominators. 下面我们来看一看在12这些共同点。
- Twenty-four outstanding BBA students took a group photo with Dean, Associate Deans and other teaching faculty. 廿四位杰出商管生与院长、副院长及其他教职员合照。
- Finally,in ardent rhythmed raindrops parita styled applause,Mr Guo ended the cathedra,and took a group photo with the MSTC in SDU. 最后,在一片热烈的,有节奏的《雨点变奏曲》的掌声中,郭城先生结束了讲座,并与山东大学微软学生俱乐部的同学们合影留念。
- Grandad’s taking a walk down memory lane. 爷爷在记忆的小道上散步。就是说重温往事。
- Our Director General Luiz Gonzaga Lau attended the graduation ceremony of Caritas kindergarten on the 24th of June 2006 from 10 AM to 12PM and took a group photo on invitation. 本会理事长刘源德于2006-06-24日早上10至12时应邀出席[明爱幼稚园第十届毕业典礼暨结业礼],并在礼成后应邀上台拍合照。