- n. 限度;限制;界限
- vt. 限制;限定
- 限度,极限;范围
- 限制
- 限额,限价, 限量
- 界限,境界,界限,边界,范域
- <口>使人无法容忍的人
- 赌注限额,猎物限额
- 地区
- 极其令人讨厌
- 【数】极限
- 限制,限定
- 使存在
- 限量
- 减量,减少
- 【法律】确定;确切指派
- [C]限度,限制 the farthest point or edge, which can't or must not be passed
- [U]极限,极点 the most that is allowed
- vt. 限制;限定 line or point that cannot be passed;put a limit to;restrict;be the limit of
the greatest possible degree of something;
"what he did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior"
"to the limit of his ability"
final or latest limiting point
as far as something can go
the boundary of a specific area
the mathematical value toward which a function goes as the independent variable approaches infinity
the greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed;
"there are limits on the amount you can bet"
"it is growing rapidly with no limitation in sight"
place limits on (extent or access);
"restrict the use of this parking lot"
"limit the time you can spend with your friends"
restrict or confine,
"I limit you to two visits to the pub a day"
decide upon or fix definitely;
"fix the variables"
"specify the parameters"
- Her ambition knows no limit.
她的野心没有限度。 - I'll help as much as I can, but there is a limit to what I can do.
我会尽力帮忙,但我所能做的也是有限度的。 - His speech ran over the time limit.
他的讲话超过了规定的时间限制。 - That fence is the limit of the schoolyard.
- We must limit our spending.
我们必须限制我们的开支。 - I shall limit myself to three aspects of the subject.
我仅探讨这一问题的三个方面。 - We must limit the amount of money we spend.
- set a limit
对…加以限制 of greatest amount be allowed or possible
- within (the) limits
不超出限度 not beyond a certain point, amount, time, etc.
- limit to (v.+prep.)
(把…)限制在…,局限于… keep number or quantity at a low level;restrict;control or keep down to
limit sb/oneself/sth to sthWe must limit the expenses to $100 a month.
We must limit the expense to what we can afford.
He limited each person to one cup of tea.
We limited our talk to ten minutes.
Let's limit our discussion to this subject.
Our monitor will limit each speaker to five minutes.
I shall limit myself to three aspects of the subject.
The author will limit himself to discussion of these two topics.
The reception will be limited to a few close friends.
Each customer is limited to four tickets.
Speeches were limited to ten minutes each.
The content of our discussion today is not limited just to grammatical questions.
The edition is limited to 1000 copies.
- cut out the age limit 取消年龄限制
- fix the limit 确定限度
- go beyond the limit 超过限度
- go the limit 走极端,(球赛)打完全场(全局)
- increase the limit 提高限度
- mark the limits 标出界线
- pass the limit 超过界限
- place the limit 局限于…
- push sb to the limit 逼迫某人到无法容忍的地步,逼使某人竭尽全力
- put a limit 进行限制
- reach the limit 达到极限
- set a limit 规定限度
- broad limit 宽的限度
- certain limit 一定的限度
- final limit 最后限度
- narrow limit 窄范围的限制
- normal limit 正常界限
- proper limit 适当限度
- strict limit 严格限制
- true limit 真正的限制
- age limit 年龄限制
- city limit 市区范围
- danger limit 危险界限
- safety limit 安全线
- speed limit 极限速度
- time limit 时限
- weight limit 极限重量
- limit value 极限值
- above the limit 超出限度
- below the limit 未超过限度
- beyond the limit 超出限度
- over the limit 超出限度
- to the limit 到顶点
- within limit 在一定的范围内
- limit on 对…的限制
- limit to 对…的限制
- limit to everything 对一切的限度
- limit to man's energy 人的精力的限度
- limit to the expense of the trip 旅费多少的限度
- limit military expenditure 限制军费开支
- limit sb's powers 限制某人的权力
- limit the landing speed of aircraft 限制了飞机的着陆速度
- limit the number of cigarettes 限制香烟的数目
- limit absolutely 坚决地限制
- limit appropriately 适当地限制
- limit conventionally 按常规限制
- limit definitely 明确地限制
- limit deliberately 故意限制
- limit desperately 不顾一切地限制
- limit disastrously 灾难性地限制
- limit earnestly 非常认真地限制
- limit economically 经济上地限制
- limit eternally 永久地限制
- limit fastidiously 挑剔地限制
- limit generally 一般地限制
- limit immediately 立即限制
- limit indirectly 间接限制
- limit insufficiently 不严格地限制
- limit intentionally 有目的地限制
- limit interestingly 有趣地限制
- limit irrefutably 无可辩驳地限制
- limit irrevocably 无法改变地限制
- limit laboriously 吃力地限制
- limit logically 情理之中地限制
- limit markedly 明显地限制
- limit mercilessly 无情地限制
- limit morally 道义上限制
- limit obviously 明显地限制
- limit originally 最初限制
- limit practically 实际上限制
- limit quietly 悄悄地限制
- limit recklessly 不顾后果地限制
- limit reluctantly 不情愿地限制
- limit rigidly 严格地限制
- limit ruthlessly 无情地限制
- limit satisfactorily 令人满意地限制
- limit savagely 野蛮地限制
- limit scathingly 不留情地限制
- limit scientifically 科学地限制
- limit scurrilously 以下流方式限制
- limit skillfully 熟练地限制
- limit speciously 特别地限制
- limit spectacularly 特殊地限制
- limit starkly 严格地限制
- limit superficially 表面上限制
- limit tactfully 巧妙地限制
- limit technically 技术上限制
- limit theoretically 理论上限制
- limit thoroughly 全面地限制
- limit tyrannically 专横地限制
- limit unaccountably 莫名其妙地限制
- limit unexpectedly 出乎意外地限制
- limit uniformly 一致地限制
- limit unquestionably 毫无疑问地限制
- limit unreasonably 不合理地限制
- limit uselessly 无用地限制
- limit at 6000 限制在6000名
- limit by sex 受性别的限制
- limit in number 数目限制
- limit in time 时间有限
- limit in ways 办法有限
- limit to 限制…在…之内
They reached the lower limits of Hampstead Heath.
出自: L. Cody -
After dusk you could get outside the city limits.
出自: Jayne Phillips -
Neither do I believe we can finish it..within the time limited us.
出自: Marvell