- MAR仿真模型MAR simulation model
- 同步数字体系的光纤通信系统仿真模型与算法The Simulation Model and Algorithm of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy Fiber Communication System
- 半控桥式整流电路与电动机负载的计算机仿真模型建立Creation of Half- controlled Bridge Rectification Circuit and Motor- loaded Computer Simulation Model
- 基于电梯交通流概率仿真模型的空闲交通模式电梯调度方法Elevator dispatching method in idle traffic mode based on elevator traffic probability simulation model
- 能够反映炉膛上下温度偏差的循环流化床动态仿真模型的研究Research on the Dynamic Model of CFB Reflecting the Temperature Difference between the Bottom Bed and the Furnace Outlet
- 多尺度自回归(MAR)图模型multiseale autoregressive(MAR) graphical model
- 基于MAR模型的SAR图像的聚类分割Clustering Segmentation of SAR Images Based on MAR Model
- 基于GPSS/H仿真软件的沥青路面机群施工系统仿真模型研究Simulation Model of Asphalt Pavement Mechanization Construction with GPSS/H
- 飞行仿真模型flight simulation model
- 流量仿真模型network traffic simulating model
- 仿真模型设计simulation model design
- 模型仿真model simulation
- 古城的仿真模型an authentic model of the ancient town
- 模型和仿真modeling and simulating
- 仿真/宏模型simulation / macro model
- 交通仿真模型Traffic Simulation Model
- 微观仿真模型VISSIM
- 仿真对象模型SOM
- 作战仿真模型engagement simulation model
- 仿真模型组件simulation model component