- National Guard Computer Center 国民警卫队计算机中心
- National Guard Computer 美国国家防卫计算机中心
- The National Guard has been called out to help fight fire. 国民警卫队奉命出动去帮助扑灭大火。
- The national guard have surround the presidential palace. 国民卫队包围了总统府。
- They were stopped from entering by the National Guard. 他们未被允许加入国民警卫队。
- But the city's masses had organized a National Guard. 可是巴黎的民众组织起了一支国民卫队。
- Utah National Guard members have begun their work on the Arizona-Mexico border. 犹他州的国民警卫队队员已经开始在亚利桑那-墨西哥边境巡逻。
- The Illinois Army National Guard is helping with sandbagging duties in Quincy. 伊利诺斯州国民警卫队在昆西帮助堆积沙袋。
- President Kennedy now calls in the National Guard; Washington now decides to cross the Delaware; the ship is now listing to port. 肯尼迪总统现在在召集后备役军人;华盛顿现在决定划掉特拉华;船只现在向左舷倾斜。
- Within a short time the entire division and other units of the National Guard were encamped there. 短期内该师及其他保安部队将驻扎那里。
- National Guard Lieutenant General Steven Blum says his forces are well armed, but that their job is not to go after the delinquents. 国民警卫队中尉布卢姆说,他的部队有良好的装备,不过他们的任务不是去追捕不法份子。
- After the hurricane hit the Florida coast, the governor called up the National Guard to help with the rescue work. 在飓风袭击佛罗里达州沿海一带地区后,州长就下令国民警卫队来帮助营救灾民的工作。
- The newspaper said the Army and Air Force denied knowledge of the episode. The Colorado National Guard did not return a call seeking comment. 落矶山新闻报报导,陆军与空军都否认知悉这起插曲。科罗拉多州国民兵部队则对询问电话没有回电。
- State governments use National Guard members to help during events like floods, earthquakes and riots. 在遇到洪水、地震以及骚乱的时候,州政府会起用国家警卫队来帮助应对这些情况。
- On the eighth day they were discovered by some members of the Iraqi National Guard and taken to hospital in Fallujah. 在第八日,他们被一些伊拉克国防军成员发现,然后带到费鲁杰的医院。
- United States National Guard soldiers deliver humanitarian aid to an Afghan village with the help of the local police. 美国国民警卫队,在阿富汗警察协助下,运送人道救援物资到阿富汗的村落。
- National Guard helicopters are dropping tons of hay to cattle herds that had been stranded in heavy snow drifts. 国家警卫队直升飞机正在向由于大雪被困的牲畜群扔下数顿干草。
- Recruitment is also strong for the Army National Guard, according to Pentagon figures. 招聘也是强大的陆军国民警卫队,根据五角大楼的数字。
- Suddenly, people saw National Guard troops deployed at airports and other places. 突然之间,人们看到了部署在机场和其他地方的国家警卫队。
- A glass door cuts the corns of the National Guard when they try to mount on the barricade. 有了一扇玻璃门,要是那些国民自卫军想登上街垒,他们脚上的老茧便会被划开。