- Non-means Tested Loan Scheme For details about NLS scheme, please 有关免入息审查贷款计划的详细资料,请
- Non-means Tested Loan Scheme 免入息审查贷款计划。
- That while these students will be eligible for financial assistance under the Government Non-means Tested Loan Scheme, they will not be eligible for other Government loans and grants 学生只可以申请政府免入息审查贷款计划,而不能申请政府其他的贷款及资助计划
- Needy Secondary 4 to 7 students in public sector schools may have their tuition fees waived under the means tested Senior Secondary Fee Remission Scheme. 公营学校的中四至中七学生,如有经济需要而又能通过审查,可根据高中学费减免计划申请减免学费。
- The Loan Scheme enables families to buy their own homes in the private sector. 贷款计划则用以帮助本港家庭购置私人楼宇单位作为居所。
- This loan scheme is interest bearing,calculated on a no-gain-no-loss basis. 这项贷款是要纳息的,利息以无所损益的基础计算。
- Hon WONG Sing-chi raised a question on the Building Safety Loan Scheme. 黄成智议员就楼宇安全贷款计划提出质询。
- This loan scheme is interest bearing, calculated on a no-gain-no-loss basis. 这项贷款是要纳息的,利息以无所损益的基础计算。
- To be eligible for legal representation under the scheme, an applicant has to pass a means test: if his gross annual income does not exceed $127,330, he is eligible for assistance under the scheme. 申请人必须通过经济审查,证明其全年总收入不超过127,330元。
- To be eligible for legal representation under the scheme,an applicant has to pass a means test: if his gross annual income does not exceed $127,330,he is eligible for assistance under the scheme. 为符合该项目法定代表的条件,申请人必须通过经济审查,如果其全年总收入不超过127,330元,那么他才有资格获得该项目的资助。
- It also administers the Private Sector Participation Scheme (PSPS) and the Home Purchase Loan Scheme (HPLS). 房屋委员会还负责执行私人机构参建居屋计划和自置居所贷款计划。
- Maximum Level of Financial Assistance under the NLS The maximum Non-means Tested Loan is capped at your tuition fees payable. 免入息审查贷款计划的最高贷款额以申请人的学费为上限。
- A judge may grant legal aid on his own initiative if the applicant satisfies the means test. 此外,如申请人通过经济审查,法官有权自行批准给予法律援助。
- To assist home purchasers, the HKHS administers the Sandwich Class Housing Loan Scheme and Home Starter Loan Scheme on behalf of the Government. 为帮助置业人士,房协代政府推行夹心阶层住屋贷款计划及首次置业贷款计划。
- Note: N means test number; TNB means total number born; NBA means number born alive; SD means standard deviation. 注:N为总记录数,TNB为平均总产仔数,NBA为平均产活仔数,SD为标准差。
- Needy students who pass the means test will receive a subsidy for home-school travel during term time. 经济有困难的学生通过入息审查后,可获发津贴,资助学年中往返居所和学校的交通费。
- To assist first-time home buyers,the HKHS administers the Home Starter Loan Scheme as the Government's agent. 为帮助首次置业人士,房屋协会代政府推行首次置业贷款计划。
- To assist first-time home buyers, the HKHS administers the Home Starter Loan Scheme as the Government's agent. 为帮助首次置业人士,房屋协会代政府推行首次置业贷款计划。
- Needy students who passed the means test will receive a subsidy for home-school travel during term time. 经济有困难的学生通过入息审查后,可获发津贴,资助学年中往返居所和学校的交通费。
- The Home Purchase Loan Scheme was introduced in 1988 to promote home ownership among families in the low income bracket. 自置居所贷款计划于一九八八年推出,以协助低入息家庭自置居所。