- Paris公式Paris formula
- 疲劳裂纹扩展规律Paris公式的一般修正及应用General Modification and Application of the Paris Law for Fatigue Crack Propagation
- 用Paris公式处理含表面裂纹抽油杆疲劳断裂问题的研究A Study on Treating Fatigue Fracture Problem of Sucker-Rod Presented Surface Crackle by Using Paris Formula
- 广义Paris公式general Paris formula
- Paris定律Paris's formula
- 奈培公式Napier equation
- Paris血型抗体Blood group antibody Paris
- 径流成因公式genetic runoff formula
- Paris血型抗原Blood group antigen Paris
- 叠代公式iterative formula
- Paris区转折点turning point in Paris region
- WLF公式WLF equation
- Paris Nomina AnatomicaP.N.A.
- 套公式apply a formul
- 在paris我们偶然碰到两位老朋友.While in Paris we chanced on two old friends.
- Ito公式Ito formula
- 公式解formula method of the solution
- EMO Paris 99国际机床展览会综述Survey of EMO Paris 99 International Machine Tool Exhibition
- BBR公式BBRformula
- 包括让Paris成为失败者给狗一根骨头!Into taking out Paris the loser! Throw the dog a bone!