- Popov超稳定理论Popov criterion
- 超稳定文化super-stable culture
- 超overtake
- 铸币税、货币扩张与汇率超稳定的两难选择Dilemma Between Tax of Mintage, Monetary Expansion, and Extra-stabilization of Exchange Rate
- 稳定stable
- 不稳定理论instability theory
- 超链接hyperlink
- 超值overflow
- 稳定理论theory of stability
- 稳定的jarless
- 军事理论Military Theory
- B超type-B ultrasonic
- 不稳定wobble
- 理论依据theoretical foundation
- 用基于 Popov 超稳定性的离散模型跟随自适应机构来克服因建模不精确和负载变化所造成的偏差.The dis-crete model following adaptive controllers based on Popov hyperstability are used toreduce the errors caused by modelling inaccuracy and load variation.
- 不稳定的unstable
- 理论联系实际connection between theory and practice
- 科学社会主义理论与实践Theory & Practice of Scientific Socialism
- 超短ultrashort
- 本文借助Popov的频率判据,得到了几类高阶非线性自治微分方程全局渐近稳定的判别准则。By Popov frequency criteria, we obtained the criteria of the global asymptotic stability of a few classes of non-linear autonomous differential equations of higher order.