- Pork NPH Iletin Ⅱ猪低精蛋白锌纯胰岛素混悬液<降血糖药>
- Iletin Ⅱ Pork Lente因苏林, 长效纯化猪胰岛素
- Pork Regular Iletin Ⅱ纯化猪常规胰岛素注射剂<降血糖药>
- co-regular集co-regular subset
- 维度类型的默认设置为Regular,该设置不对维度内容进行任何假设。The default setting for the dimension type is Regular, which makes no assumptions about the contents of the dimension.
- Iletin Ⅰ牛猪混合胰岛素<降血糖药>
- 如果维度向导没有为维度类型列出合适的类型,则还应当将Regular继续用做维度类型。You should also leave Regular as the dimension type if the Dimension Wizard does not list an appropriate type for Dimension type.
- Iletin Ⅱ纯化的牛或猪胰岛素<降血糖药>
- Iletin ⅠNPH牛猪混合的低精蛋白锌胰岛素<降血糖药>
- Iletin Ⅱ NPH纯化的牛或猪低精蛋白锌胰岛素<降血糖药>
- 正则表达式的支持是由PCRE(Perl Compatible Regular Expression)库提供的,这是个开放源代码的软件,作者为Philip Hazel,版权属于英国剑桥大学。Regular expression support is provided by the PCRE library package, which is open source software, written by Philip Hazel, and copyright by the University of Cambridge, England.