- Rh同族免疫作用Rh isoimmunization
- 同族免疫作用isoimmunization
- Rh同族抗原Rh isoantigen
- 同族免疫[作用]iso-immunization
- 作用action
- Rh同位基因Rh allele
- 族nationality
- Rh同种免疫Rh isoimmunization
- 猕同族免疫Rh isoimmunization
- 含有免疫作用的SIR传染病模型在复杂网络上的动力学行为Dynamic Behavior of SIR Epidemic Model with Immunity on Complex Networks
- 新生儿Rh同种免疫Rh isoimmunization of the newborn; Rhesus isoimmunization of the newborn
- 鱼腥草抗病毒合剂对鸡法氏囊病的疗效及小鼠的免疫作用Effect of Houttuynia cordata antiviral preparation on avian infectious bursal disease and the immunity for albino rat
- Rh同种免疫影响妊娠Rhesus isoimmunization affecting pregnancy
- 族免疫[医] species immunity
- 日本血吸虫SjC21.7核酸疫苗诱导小鼠保护性免疫作用的研究Protective Immunity Induced by the Nucleic Acid Vaccine of SjC 21.7 In Mice
- 同族免疫isoimmunization
- 寡聚糖对仔猪的免疫作用Effect of Oligosaccharides on Immunity of Piglet
- 同族意识,宗族主义强烈的对本宗族或集团的忠诚和情感上的认同感A strong feeling of identity with and loyalty to one's tribe or group.
- 灰树花多糖的免疫作用实验研究Experimental Study of Polysaccharide of Grifola Frondosa on Immune Function
- 同族免疫反应isoimmune reaction