- SAW陀螺效应SAW gyroscopic effect
- 声表面波(WAW)陀螺效应SAW gyroscopic effect
- 陀螺效应在旋转秋千中的应用The Application of Top Effect in a new Rotating Swing
- 磁悬浮飞轮系统陀螺效应的抑制Reduction of Gyroscopic Effect of a Magnetic Bearing-Supported Flywheel System
- 陀螺效应及在搅拌设备上的应用Gyroscopic effect and its application to agitation device
- 含陀螺效应的声表面波波动方程的求解Study of Solving wave Equation of Surface Acoustic waves with Gyroscopic Effect
- SAW传感器SAW sensor
- 品牌效应brand effect
- 无线SAW传感器wireless SAW sensor
- SAW压力传感器SAW pressure sensor
- 马太效应"the Matthew effect (A phenomenon in specific circles whereby one's accomplishments and reputation tend to snowball, and those with meager accomplishments have greater difficulty achieving accomplishments. )"
- SAW软扩频调制解调器的研究Research on Soft Spread Spectrum SAW De-modulator
- 这些男孩子正在抽陀螺。These boys are whipping tops.
- SAW熔滴阶段电化学致氧因素研究Research on Effects of Oxygen Content Resulted by Electrochemical at Droplet Reaction Stage in SAW
- 边际效应marginal utility
- 那男孩在抽陀螺。The boy was spinning a top.
- SAW器件芯片底部处理的工艺实验研究Experimental Reserch on Processing on the Back of SAW Substrate
- 名人效应celebrity effect
- SAW滤波器的可靠性分析及其测试研究Reliability analysis of SAW filter and its test
- 陀螺在旋转。The top is spinning.