- Seamless image database 无缝影像数据库
- Based on ORL face image database,experimental results illustrate that t... ORL人脸图像数据库仿真实验表明,该方法对表情、姿态变化具有很好的鲁棒性。
- By use of computer image mosaic technology, a type of fast seamless image mosaic algorithm of bore inner surface was presented. 运用计算机图像拼接技术,提出一种将身管内膛局部表面照片快速无缝拼接的算法。
- And during texture mapping, an automatic seamless image mosaic method based on feature points is proposed, which is suitable for seamless image mosaic in different view points with various illumination and scale. 在纹理贴图部分还给出并实现了一种基于特征点的全自动无缝图像拼接方法。 该方法能够实现光照和尺度变化条件下的多视角图像无缝拼接。
- Under the same experimental conditions, an iris image database is used Matlab6.5 to preprocess. 在完全相同的实验条件下;运用Matlab6.;5软件对由虹膜图像组成的虹膜数据库进行预处理。
- To the given video sequence, the system can retrieve face image from big face image database on time. 该系统对于视频序列和大容量的人脸数据库能够实时进行人脸图像检索。
- The experiment results on the ORL face image database demonstrate the competitiveness of the method proposed. 通过在ORL人脸库上的实验仿真和对比结果验证了所提出方法的有效性。
- At last, the weighted amalgamation algorithm is used to blend images and the seamless image of the inner surface of the artillery bore can be generated. 运用计算机图像拼接技术,提出一种将炮管内膛局部表面照片快速无缝拼接的算法。
- An image recognition program trawls through the image database and recognises some faces and objects. 某图片识别程序搜索整个图片数据库并识别面孔及对象。
- Use a thread to handle multiple files in bulk, this is my deal with the fingerprint image database used by the gadget. 用一个线程对多个文件进行批量处理,这是我处理指纹图像数据库时所用的小工具。
- Experimental results from CMU face image database show that the efficiency of this method is high and the detection speed is improved greatly. 在CMU数据库上的实验结果表明,该方法具有较高的人脸检测率,检测速度得到大幅提高。
- The feature is fed to SVM for classification. The Essex face image database is selected to evaluate the method of sex classification. 用Essex人脸图像数据库进行性别分类,取得了很好的分类效果。
- The message which requests the repair of image database is showed up in the rebooting procedure after abnormal termination. 该讯息是请修复的图像数据库是表明了,在重新开机后的程序异常终止。
- Density estimation technique and hill-climbing strategy are used to define and extract image database clusters and categorization. 然后采用密度估计技术和爬山策略,定义和提取图像数据库的聚类以及归类。
- Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) has been one of most active researches in computer vision, image database, knowledge discovery and so on. 基于内容的图像检索(CBIR)是当前计算机视觉、图像数据库与知识挖掘等领域研究的热点之一。
- One of the most important issues in the content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is how to construct effective organization of image database to enhance image retrieval speed. 如何构建有效的图像库结构,提高图像检索速度是基于内容的图像检索所需要解决的关键问题之一。
- After analyzing query types in an image database syst em based on content retrieval, the object-oriented SQL language is expanded to express concept queries. 论文在分析基于内容检索的图像数据库系统中查询类型的基础上,为支持基于图像语义概念的查询,扩充了面向对象的SQL语言,以有效地表达查询中的概念;
- CBIR is one of the most active hot points in the current research fields such as the computer vision, the image database and the knowledge mining and so on. 基于内容的图像检索(CBIR)是当前计算机视觉、图像数据库与数据挖掘等领域研究的热点之一。
- CityArk Project - Medway Council's archives service. Includes searchroom location and opening hours, image database, search facility and document care guidelines. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。